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Melanie Salandy
south Trinidad
I am a student @ UTT
Interests: animals, football (huge chelsea supporter #5 michael essien)
Recent Activity
Melanie Salandy is now following TRUE VINE DIGITAL PHOTOGRAPHY
Apr 25, 2012
Melanie Salandy is now following Parris
Mar 30, 2010
Children with special needs learn differently and technology aids the deficiencies in their learning. Some educators are suggesting that technology be viewed as a “cognitive prosthesis” for students with learning disabilities (Lewis, 1998). Technology can enhance an individual’s strong point Compensate for their disabilities Offer substitute form of performing tasks... Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2010 at Melanie Salandy's blog
Visual Aid Software encompasses many different forms such as PowerPoint and educational videos. Videos are fun and exciting especially for little children. Educational videos can promote children’s cognitive processes, while having fun. Videos are great because they include the sense of sight and hearing and because it uses dual senses... Continue reading
Posted Mar 9, 2010 at Melanie Salandy's blog
Visual Aid Software encompasses many different forms such as PowerPoint and educational videos. Videos are fun and exciting especially for little children. Educational videos can promote children’s cognitive processes, while having fun. Videos are great because they include the sense of sight and hearing and because it uses dual senses... Continue reading
Posted Feb 23, 2010 at Melanie Salandy's blog
Melanie Salandy is now following DWR
Feb 6, 2010
Melanie Salandy is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 31, 2010