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Sally Trollip
Recent Activity
I think that your black blob will be worn threadbare as it will be the easiest thing to grab as it will go with anything. Love it.
Also I need a friend like yours.
Yarnalong and WIP Wednesday....
This book appeared in the mail yesterday--gifted to me by a dear friend. Leave it to a former librarian to find a fiber-lover's treasure of a reference book! Fleece & Fiber by Deborah Robson and Carol Ekarius is not a book I'd ever attempt to read cover to cover, but between those covers is ...
Your blanket is beautiful. No matter how big you make it, it will be loved and used very often
The misty is still growing, one square at a time and I'm starting to think that it will look good draped over the sofabed that we bought last year to help us deal with having Toby awake so much at night. I'm glad that we have it because now H and I can take it in turns to get a decent sleep...
Sally Trollip is now following The Typepad Team
Jul 17, 2012
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