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It's been a season of changes, these past six months, and there's still one big one for me. After over six years of blogging with Typepad, I've finally made the move to Wordpress and got my own domain name: Continue reading
Posted Jul 19, 2011 at Purely Drivel
We had a much needed, much enjoyed lazy Sunday at our house after two days in a row of trips to the "big city" an hour away...including 3 hours at the emergency room for a mis-diagnosed case of strep throat.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 18, 2011 at Purely Drivel
I've been thinking a lot about chores for the past few days. The house if finally unpacked and settled, with the exception of an entertainment center that we're giving to my brother...currently sitting in Tom's office...and by sitting, I mean... Continue reading
Posted Jul 14, 2011 at Purely Drivel
Outside my window...we're in this wonderful, surprising cool-down. Instead of the 100's+ of a week or so ago, we're looking at mid-80's and enjoying every second of it. Sunny, but pleasant. I am thinking...about how to order my new little... Continue reading
Posted Jul 13, 2011 at Purely Drivel
I've been spending way, way, way too much time on Etsy these past few days. It is my without fail inspiration source and I thought I'd share a few of my new favorites... littleputbooks - major love. The photo banners... Continue reading
Posted Jul 12, 2011 at Purely Drivel
It's been sooo long since I've been able to get one of these published. It's my first official week of meal planning in the parsonage and, boy, do we ever need it. I've been picking up groceries, but somehow never... Continue reading
Posted Jul 10, 2011 at Purely Drivel
GO: grateful... here at the end of one journey to see what it's all meant. why the hand's played the way they did. why we didn't understand, couldn't see the reason, felt the pain, said the goodbyes that still sting.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 8, 2011 at Purely Drivel
Christine - thank you so very much for your sweet comment. I am hoping to be sharing my work on eBay again soon, but at a much slower pace as I work to figure out where exactly God is calling me to be and do right now.
Toggle Commented Jul 7, 2011 on *here* at Purely Drivel
My favoritest quote ever...from my favoritest author ever...a little project I'm working on that still needs a bit of tweaking before I send it to be printed and mounted. One of the things I adore about this sweet parsonage is... Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2011 at Purely Drivel
Here is almost free of boxes... in the house anyway. The patio is another story. Here is the biggest home we've ever lived in... with more closets to fill, more carpet to vaccuum, twice as many windows as our last... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2011 at Purely Drivel
We're in the middle of move preparations, with the parsonage promised to be ready by July 1st at the latest. I am so overwhelmed by this home God has provided for us. In fact, I'm pretty sure the only words... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2011 at Purely Drivel
My parents have been in their home since I was 9 months old - so over 34 years now. I couldn't imagine ever moving as a child, but since our marriage we've lived in 7 homes. The parsonage will be our 8th. It's been difficult, but moving across country and back within 6 years really helped me to prioritize and simplify our possessions!
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2011 on full circle at Purely Drivel
It's a little more difficult right now since we're living with my parents. Usually, we're big on string cheese, trail mix, fruit of any kind, and stuff like that. Last summer, I set them up with snack boxes - I'd put in 7 or 8 snack sized baggies of crackers. They could eat them all the first day, but it wouldn't get refilled until the following Sunday. It seemed to help them learn to monitor themselves a bit. My 13 year old tends to think it's abusive that I don't let her eat Pop Tarts for breakfast, pizza pockets for lunch and frozen dinners. I think it's that sense of being different from her peers, but I try to calmly explain that I'm doing it for her long-term health. Not sure how much it's sinking in, but I do see her trying to make better choices on her own a bit more now. The food culture that kids are around so often is so toxic, and it's a constant battle.
Toggle Commented Jun 18, 2011 on we're all losers at Purely Drivel
Go: The kids have been going to the gym with us this week. It's been a little bit frustrating - interrupting my workout to help them adjust machines, figure out exactly why Caleb is trying to run 11 miles an... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2011 at Purely Drivel
photo source Watching the season finale of The Biggest Loser a few weeks ago, Mom and I hit on a bit of inspiration. side note: as much as I always want to watch that show and as inspiring as I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2011 at Purely Drivel
Dos Palos United Methodist Church... I was born a few blocks away. It's the church I went to Tiny Tots at... the church I attended once in a while as a child with my Grammy... the church where Tom asked... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2011 at Purely Drivel
The last week of school. What a long, crazy road this year has been! I'm trying so hard to get back to some sort of regular writing schedule and struggling. There's so much going on - and so much I... Continue reading
Posted May 31, 2011 at Purely Drivel
Your silent tents of green We deck with fragrant flowers; Yours has the suffering been, The memory shall be ours. ~Henry Wadsworth Longfellow To those who those who have those who will someday answer the call... thank you. Continue reading
Posted May 30, 2011 at Purely Drivel
Second to last week of school...the speed with which this school year has flown by is just incredible. Our last two Little League games are this week and confession: I just haven't been able to figure out how to get... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2011 at Purely Drivel
Go: The margins of seasons - that first peeking blossom of sping, the unexpected leaf that falls heralding autumn- echoed in our lives as in nature. The sense - growing - that seasons are changing once again. From a long... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2011 at Purely Drivel
photo by Hanna Go: This week, the mask has slipped. The girl who has it all together - in spite of the fact her husband hasn't a job since spite of a house for sale in a market that... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2011 at Purely Drivel
I overuse the word love quite a bit. And while I think it's okay - and certainly better than hating everything - I think sometimes my overuse of love dilutes the word a little. I love Jesus. I love my... Continue reading
Posted May 12, 2011 at Purely Drivel
I have a mini panic attack every.single.time he's up to bat when he played short stop for part of a game, I nearly had a heart-attack. right field is far more to my liking lesson: you can't judge what a... Continue reading
Posted May 11, 2011 at Purely Drivel
photo by Hanna No discipline seems pleasant at the time, but painful. Later on, however, it produces a harvest of righteousness and peace for those who have been trained by it. Hebrews 12:11 (NIV2011) I finished Reshaping It All last... Continue reading
Posted May 10, 2011 at Purely Drivel
More than anything, I wish motherhood came with the accumulated wisdom of our mothers, grandmothers and great-grandmothers. I look at my own mom, who raised the four of us...often while going back to school, making a farming income possible, and... Continue reading
Posted May 6, 2011 at Purely Drivel