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I am Sam, this is rather impossible, I give up.
Interests: martial arts, literature, witty banter, laughing, intellegent conversations, idle random conversations, raspberries
Recent Activity
hahahaha look at your really serious angry face. great expression. :)
1 reply
yup yup :)
Haha awesome.
Commented Aug 4, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
hi :)
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2009 on Hi girls!! at Zachary Quinto
It's afternoon here, I might go for a run or get some sushi.
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2009 on hi, how is everyone doing :) at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
:D Afternoon :D
Toggle Commented Aug 4, 2009 on morning all :D at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
oh awesome. There's loads of millions of posts, mostly confused posts I might add!
What's up you guys? Anything happening in the world of COMMUNITY. Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
ohhh I just wondered because ZQ mentioned it on his facebook..
infact . . what is the zachpach?
hi alllllllllllll :D Who thought of the zachpack name??? Continue reading
Posted Aug 4, 2009 at Zachary Quinto
I spy a godsend symbol :)
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
thats a stock image.
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
the swirly clock thing n the background was shadowed by me, but I dint draw that bit.
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
:D It was a shock to me too, I just picked up a pencil and downloaded a photoshop trial and it turned out like that :D what was the bigest shock to me was, YOU CAN TELL WHO IT IS WITHOUT ASKING!
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
YEY THANKS XD my first ever peice of art (if you can believe that) Pushed my grade from an E to A*
Toggle Commented Aug 2, 2009 on No title at Zachary Quinto
Sam added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Aug 1, 2009
Sam added a photo at Zachary Quinto
my arts :) for the topic of changes . .
Aug 1, 2009
Sam added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jul 29, 2009
Sam added a photo at Zachary Quinto
hey hey thought I'd add my art project to the many millions of pictures, we did "changes" so my concept was a change in personailty from the latest series :D
Jul 29, 2009
OR my sister, now that would be hilarious.
I'm literally coated in blood, I feel like Sylar. I might to point at a few inanimate objects with an evil grin before I wash it off.
Awesome. I might come and have a chat here every so often, maybe when it isn't 1:45am next time. I bet some really intersting and supportive things appear here. I, for one, am interesting in that new Arcaica (hope I spelt that one right) project. I didn't go to comic con I watched the video on youtube the home of all videos.
I actually found that quite amusing. :)
Toggle Commented Jul 29, 2009 on Heroes - Sylar's Personal ad at Zachary Quinto
1 reply
AHHH NOSE BLEED! sorry for the entirely unrelated post and my keyboard now has blood on it, nice (!) Continue reading
Posted Jul 28, 2009 at Zachary Quinto