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I am a 27 yr old gay male in a 5 year relationship with a 60 yr old man. it has largely been a sexless marraige with him cheating on me within 2 or 3 months and after 2 or 3year i realized he was an alcoholic.
i am so confused about it. I wish the Universe would show me what to do. I once tired asking a psychic here but i never got a clear answer. I feel like i live in hell sometimes.
Can Sexless Marriages Work?
Has the sex gone out of your marriage? If the answer is yes, you’re not alone according to our top California Psychics. Everyday, our psychics speak with callers who share their personal sadness over marriages that have never been consummated, couples that lose their drive after having children...
samhud is now following Abigail Ext 9570
Oct 24, 2009
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