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samantha campen
Recent Activity
Okay yall, we checked it out in the daylight and all signs point to NO. Theo hasnt mentioned it again so maybe he plays Barn at daycare or something but it doesnt seem that we have a squatter. Or a ghost. *shudder*
Considering a polygraph
We have a shed in our backyard. 'Rustic' would be the word to describe it as the wood is rotting and it's not the most stable structure you've ever seen. But it does the job of housing the lawnmower and some tools, so whatever. We don't own the property so it's not on our list of priorities a...
samantha campen is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Oh it was Theo singing for sure. A suddenly very ENTHUSIASTIC Theo all but doing the jig.
Funny how that works out :-)
Parent: 1 Child: 0
There are some days that Bryan is home watching Theo while I'm at work. It's not uncommon for me to receive a few iphone camera shots with what they're up to, and a phone call once or twice detailing a humorous Theo story. The other day was no exception. Bryan had asked Theo to pick up some of ...
Okay Ill change the Alabama/Arkansas thing. And Id never fake it for fear of that video seeing the light of day!
Interest piqued
I have lived in the western suburbs of Chicago my whole life, emphasis on SUBURBS. Not the South Side of Chicago, or in the heart of the meat packing district. Nope, just the 'burbs. So color me surprised when I met with my gals at BlogHer for the first time and they couldn't stop talking abo...
Oh no! Renting! Whew :-)
Where we hang our hat
Throughout the whole 'being-tossed-out-of-our-home-due-to-circumstances-beyond-our-control' thing we knew we'd need to find a place. And while the phrase "Beggars can't be choosers" came to mind a few times in the end we were all, "Dude, with what we've just been through you better be damn sure...
And Kori, the answer to that would be a resounding YES.
On Wed, Sep 23, 2009 at 12:14 PM, wrote:
The Sound
I just want it to be quiet. Like, everywhere, all the time. My nerves are shot. I swear if I hear one more jackhammer I might have to beat my head against a wall while boiling myself in oil. Construction construction everywhere. And for those of you keeping track at home, we have now been o...
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