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Matt Sanchez
Recent Activity
Matt Sanchez is now following mickey
Feb 9, 2010
MSFT's first web presence: This will take you back to another time. For me, I had just built my first computer and the server room of the first ISP that came to our little town. The owner handed me a disk with Mosaic on it and that was my first experience with the WWW. Continue reading
Posted Feb 8, 2010 at Matt Sanchez's blog
Macmillan should stop talking in circles...and start an honest dialogue with their authors. John Sargent took out a full-page advertisement in Publishers Lunch to share this open letter to the community: The absurdity of the argument is unbelievable. Publishers have long maintained a high-margin product in their Hardcover editions of books and managed the publication window, and arguably there was a difference between the hardcover and softcover version of the product. You could make a shaky argument that the costs of the materials, etc. could justify the difference between $14.99 and $5.99, but it is hard to imagine an... Continue reading
Posted Jan 31, 2010 at Matt Sanchez's blog
This is very cool! Abby Sunderland is attempting to complete a solo circumnavigation of the world in a 40' Open 40 racing sailboat. If she's successful, she'll become the youngest person to have done so. What's more, it runs in the family. Her brother completed the trip last year and held the record until last fall. Follow her here: Continue reading
Posted Jan 24, 2010 at Matt Sanchez's blog
Kicking off a Typepad Micro account. I've been active in consumer internet for 5 years now, but have yet to ever write publicly. There have been a couple ideas I've been thinking through lately that I felt like writing down, and what better place to start exploring those ideas than here....where potentially I can get feedback and shape ideas through the back and forth. Here goes! Continue reading
Posted Jan 17, 2010 at Matt Sanchez's blog
Matt Sanchez is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 17, 2010