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Interests: I love to take pictures, write a few lines, throw in some fluff and turn it into a story.
Recent Activity
I adore your December Daily books. They are sooo beautiful!
Just a Little More Red & Green
Finally putting all of the Christmas decorations away today. It's late for me, I usually like to get them down a few days after Christmas. I've been a little preoccupied since Christmas working on some things for BasicGrey for CHA later this month - lots of FUN things.... So, no time until thi...
you are brilliant! I am so doing that!
Just a Little More Red & Green
Finally putting all of the Christmas decorations away today. It's late for me, I usually like to get them down a few days after Christmas. I've been a little preoccupied since Christmas working on some things for BasicGrey for CHA later this month - lots of FUN things.... So, no time until thi...
Can I just say Thank You for blogging??? I haven't read your blog in awhile and it needs to be added to my New Years Resolutions..#127 Read kellicrowe daily. Besides the obvious...(you're really funny - in case you didn't have that 411) you are insightful, thoughtful, intelligent and see the glass as half full plus you always seem to know where the faucet is to fill it back up. That meal time comment...I am going to share that one with every mom I know. I loved reading last few entries about home schooling and being an advocate for David. You are a good egg KC.
Kelli Crowe Jone's Diary
I WILL Exercise 5 3 days a week Take my vitamins Read (ok, am already doing that but must give myself accomplishable goals...probably not the best attitude to have only 3 items into list) Give up soda Not wear shoes in the house Write thank you notes Finish the plethora of projects half done an...
SO beautiful! Sigh. Love this! I wasn't a fan of Curio until I saw this.
(not) meant to be
Had made some time this weekend to play - When I was leaving BasicGrey early last summer, the Curio collection was getting ready to be debuted at the CHA Summer show. One of my favorite BG collections of all time! The colors and the textures and the patterns and the artwork - such a beautif...
IMPRESSIVE! I was going to run a half with you but after seeing that time...well ms'll be leaving me in the dust! WAY TO GO!!!
7.32 miles.
And it feels pretty damn good!!
That is so cool (literally) that you guys did that! What a great way to start out Thanksgiving rather than lounging and over indulging all day and feeling like a stuffed turkey yourself.
The FROZEN Turkey Run
A few weeks ago I signed Nick and I up for a Thanksgiving morning 5k race. Little did I know when I signed us up it would be 0 degrees the morning of! We were prepared for the cold temps - lots of layers, gloves, hats, etc. Few goofy runners in shorts (WHAT?!) and a few in suits! Absolu...
Way to go Jack and the Bengals!!! That is so fabulous that they won the championships! What a season you have all had. He looks great!The whole family looks great! He's soooo tall! Holy cow, at 12 to already be 5'10 he's going to be looking down on you guys in no time. Spencer is 6'4 now and I know he wasn't 5'10 when he was 12.
After a completely jam packed, little time for literally anything else, 14 weeks of football for both Jack and Sam, the season ended yesterday with Jack's team winning the championships for their age division! The boys won 14 to 8, after being down 6 to 8 at the start of the 2nd half. ...
Hahaha...I'm sure at the time it was so not funny, having your skirt fall down but the tale is hysterical. I can just picture it! Way to GO! That is soooooo awesome that you're down 30 lbs and that you're running so much! I miss you! We need to get together for lunch and catch up when you have a minute to breath. I'm training for a half that crazy. I confess that only half is running and the other half is power walking. I'm sure that I'm not as stylish as you either since I insist on running in my sweats. Email me when you have some time to meet for lunch.
The Good, the Bad & the Ugly
Shut the front door! Look who's here. Long time, no me, eh? Lots of stuff going on over the last month. Crazy travel with work. Gone quite a bit this month. Headed to Las Vegas tomorrow for Inspiration Unlimited - going down to help Teresa and Ginger out. Looking forward to seeing lots of ...
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Mar 15, 2010
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