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Charlotte, NC
Live in Boone NC, on the prowl for a job. Want to know more? Ask! :)
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Ive seen that comic several times, within the past day or so, and my first thought is still that it's a Dalek instead of McDucks vault. Meh. One day, I will make it to PAX, or PAX East or...something, and I will bring you die. Probably all of them, since there's no one to game with here. :\
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Dangit, way to get my hopes up. If you would be 38 on your BDay, I would only be 28 on mine in a couple weeks (tangent: Holy shit...a couple weeks! Noooooo!). I don't want to be 29. :( Also: Happy Birthday :D
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...I thought you said this one would be gross. I am disappoint. Never been one for allergies, glad I'm not (for now, anyway), but my dad has to wear this thing at night so he doesn't snore. Nuclear poo? No problem. Been there, done that. Debated checking the contents of my kitties barf because...really? Why did they eat that? Hell, where did they find it?
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Damn. Ive lost count of the amount of similar conversations Ive had with my cat about the odd lizard or bird. I've also had to chase/escort several birds out of the house, and even got one to hop on a fish net handle (from dads fish tank) and stay there til I carried him out. We keep telling our cats not to bring her friends in to play, but she won't listen. Have fun in Vancouver.
Toggle Commented Apr 5, 2011 on Tomorrow, I go back to Eureka at WWdN: In Exile
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*sigh* I happily join the crowd of people begging you to come to the east coast, and what happens when you do? I forget. JoCo was in Ashville last week, and Id been looking forward to it since it was posted. The date snuck up on me and I wasn't able to make it down. Stupid midterms. One day, I will actually be able to see you all live, and perhaps make some non-internet friends that I actually have stuff in common with.
Toggle Commented Mar 30, 2011 on in which i am grateful at WWdN: In Exile
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"There will also be as much Captain's Wife's Lament as the audience can stand." Good grief, you'll be there all night. Which story? The Last Unicorn Pegasus Kitten sounds fun, and Id really love to see Memories of the Future. Hope The Largo works out!!
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Cat-in-bag is stupid? Really? Sleepy, maybe. Stupid? Not so much. Stupid (but no less amusing) would be fitting in a box he doesnt have a chance in hell of getting in.
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Man, I can't even hear a hummingbird's wings when its a mere foot in front of me. I guess thats why Im supposed to wear these hearing aide things.
Toggle Commented Jul 28, 2010 on singing fun fun fun at WWdN: In Exile
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"I didn't want to do this show, because I didn't think anyone would come, on account of how many things there are to do at Comic-Con" Seriously? Come ON! w00tstock far surpasses just about anything at Comic-Con. Or anywhere, for that matter. Please, come East? Pretty please?
Toggle Commented Jul 26, 2010 on memories of w00tstock 2.4 at WWdN: In Exile
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Huh. Apparently the kilt thing isn't new. Guess I should actually watch more than the occasional blurb. Oops?
Toggle Commented Jul 25, 2010 on "as his kilt rises..." at WWdN: In Exile
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ooh! I didn't notice it was a kilt! Bonus points (as if it needed it. Ha!)
Toggle Commented Jul 25, 2010 on "as his kilt rises..." at WWdN: In Exile
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Yep. :)
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Ha! I hadnt seen the rest of that series. I agree, the 'Oh God, what have I done??!!??' is the best.
Toggle Commented Jul 9, 2010 on science ... SCIENCE! at WWdN: In Exile
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To this day, Ive never had a real gaming console. Meh. I am, however, reminded of when the student group I was apart of in college had a yard sale. While sorting the donated materials, we came across an old Atari and several games. It goes without saying that it didnt make it to the yard sale. At the time, someone also kept their xbox at the center. With only one TV, was fun when people debated on which console was getting played.
Toggle Commented Apr 5, 2010 on the fountain of youth at WWdN: In Exile
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Now that you mention it, I can kind of tell the 'I will NOT crack up!' thing with you. Not so much on Jim. And I still have eleventy-billion questions about bowling alley sets. LOL
Toggle Commented Mar 18, 2010 on something something giant balls at WWdN: In Exile
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I cant wait to see this ep for two reasons: Theres the obvious Evil Wil thing, and then theres the fact that I love bowling. Im really curious about the bowling set. Is it an actual working pair (or more) of lanes, or is it just the wells and the alleys where character interactions take place and we see you throw a few balls, but the actual shot of what you would have bowled (strike, gutter, split conversion, etc) is edited in later? Have always wondered this about bowling scenes in general.
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The day after mom brought a new white van years ago, she exited the doctors office only to see about half a dozen white vans in the lot. As she'd had the vehicle for a day, it took some time to figure out which one was hers. Interesting though. Maybe this explains my (mostly) total lack of motivation to do some things Ive been meaning to do. Some of it's creative. I have a load of stuff for places like ficly that I need to type up, and one of my browser windows has eleven tabs of job openings and corresponding applications. Most of which are no where near my present location, and though I really want the job, and perfectly willing to relocate, I have to force myself to fill them out some times. Nice post. Thanks. :)
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pah. webrings are SO out. Thats what LJs are for. And, but we dont talk about that. Used to write Trek, but my muse ran off and won't come back. Okay, its back, but it wont give me Trek stuff anymore. Actually, it hasn't given me crap in a long time. Edit: Oh! Hey @angiek! just noticed it was you.
Toggle Commented Jan 21, 2010 on billy bad breaks at WWdN: In Exile
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Up until last Friday, my car had no heat. This was tolerable when I still lived in Charlotte, but right now its 16 degrees out. Friday, I got a Subaru Forester named 'Bones'. Among other things, it has heat.
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Apparently Nolan's never heard of cribbage either. Awesome story. Havent laughed like that in awhile. Dogs speak just fine, thanks. And so do cats. It's just a matter of being able to translate.
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I was having a similar issue earlier. I have a midterm to finish up, but all my brain was giving me was an episode tag for this last episode of Castle (and I dont even write fanfic...much). Every single time I tried to focus on the midterm, my brain would just go back over this tag until finally I gave out on the midterm and focused on this story. It's now happily sitting in a spiral notebook and Im now completely focused (well, mostly) on the midterm. Sheesh.
Toggle Commented Oct 29, 2009 on making plans for nigel at WWdN: In Exile
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You're getting a kick out of being able to grumble "I'm 37! Im not old!" at people, arent you? Im 27, and in some contexts I feel old, and not in a damn-kids-today way (though my classmates all just came out of undergrad, whereas Ive been out for four years). My first gaming system was a game boy color. As a kid, I wasnt allowed a nintendo or anything else, because 'we have a computer. you dont need a nintendo!'. I played a lot of Wolf 3D, Doom 1-2, Blake Stone, and most (if not all) of the Duke 3D releases. Ive still yet to buy myself a gaming console. Ive wanted an XBox for years. Can't justify the costs though, or the 30-60 dollar games that go with it. Ill just grab 'em off the antiques table in 10 or 20 years.
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For me and two other guys, ping pong used to be a big thing. Sort of. I say 'sort of' because we weren't completely playing ping pong, per se. Well, we WERE but...we'd start out regularly, but then one of us would go overkill on the return, and instead of calling outs (or whatever), we'd chase it and hit it back. Eventually this grew to the point where we ignored the table completely and utilized the whole room (it was a pretty big room, too). This lead to the destruction of ping pong balls, which lead to ordering a big box of them on ebay, to individually numbering said balls, and recording start time, end time, how long the ball lasted, and method of destruction (because we didnt only beat the things senseless). I miss those guys. I miss those days.
Toggle Commented Sep 25, 2009 on the big bang buzz at WWdN: In Exile
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