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Sandi Manning
Dungowan, New South Wales, Australia
I adore upcycling vintage finds & mixing styles, colours, techniques, materials & textures (aka puddleducking)!
Interests: Textile Art, Mixed Media, Visual Journalling, Soft Pastel Painting, Art, Interior Design, Colour, Gardening, Organic Gardening, Picture Framing
Recent Activity
Sandi Manning is now following Catherine V. Bainbridge
Mar 12, 2011
Jude... I can only imagine how soft those little worn patches feel... it is a divine wee creation! I adore the patina of age and even when I'm looking for furniture I find myself searching out pieces that have a history; that look like they've been used and loved. I love worn paving and door steps; tabletops with softened edges, dings and scratches. What's happening to me? I used to love stark contrast in colour and materials; crisp clean lines, simple clever design. Perhaps I'm moving over to the slow lane....
Toggle Commented Jan 31, 2010 on the story of the little rag bag at Spirit Cloth
1 reply
Sandi Manning is now following The Typepad Team
Jan 18, 2010