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Boston, MA
Enjoy the experience, don't just experience the experience
Interests: Music, movies, friends, concerts, blogging
Recent Activity
Amazing video Ryan. I'm so proud to be a fan. #breathe4jobs is trending on twitter! <3
Breathe Video Premiere & a Proposition #Breathe4Jobs
Hey guys, The video for Breathe is very important to me. So many people are without jobs right now - they need our help. I want the people in the video to find jobs. If you can help me get "#breathe4jobs" as a Twitter trending topic by RTing this message "Check
SarahBeth added a link at Ryan Star
Oct 17, 2009
SarahBeth added a photo at Ryan Star
Oct 17, 2009
SO EXCITED to see you in Providence!
New Tour Dates With David Cook
Hey everyone, I had a very restful and healing week off and could not be more excited to announce these new tour dates with David Cook. Very excited to get back on the road. See you out there. Tell all your friends!!! Visit the tour page for more details. MAIN SUPPORT OPENING FOR DAVID
Ryan, thank you so much for sharing this. I never had a chance to meet Anna, but from this I see how much she means to you. She will always be with you through your music. I'm so glad that you were able to go to the wake and meet her family.
This made me cry this morning - its a beautiful tribute.
Anna. You will be missed.
ryanandanna.bmp The biggest blessing I feel as a musician is getting to meet incredible people. I am sure if music did not exist I would find other ways to express myself beyond blaring guitars or singing
This photo is amazing.
That is all.
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That is an amazing picture - love it!
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LOVE this picture. Just gorgeous.
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Saw Ryan at Hampton Beach with Collective Soul. Had an amazing time. Managed to be about 3-4 people back from the stage during his set and then watched Safety Suit and Collective Soul from off to the side. The cool thing about the Casino Ballroom where the show was is that it's very open, so no matter where you are in it, you can see. You don't HAVE to be up front.
Ryan was on FIRE, sang Brand New Day, Right Now, Breathe, Last Train Home, Psycho Suicidal Girl and I think 1 other song that I don't know offhand. Talked to him for a long time afterwords too. He recognized me from the Northampton David Cook show and we gabbed and hung out and I met up with some other people who I didn't know were going to be there, but I knew. So that was fun. I'm hoping he comes to Boston soon and when I asked him about it, he said that they didn't fuck around and to be on the lookout. So maybe we'll get a headlining show up here soon? Because 6 Ryan songs are just not enough.
When I talked to him, I asked him when the new album was coming out and he said not for a little while because they want to get the music out on the radio first. I told him that has been playing Breathe and Last Train Home, and they were the ones who originally premiered it when it dropped because we had bugged Kelly and Joel to do it. Ryan was really touched that we’re pimping his music, and well, he deserves it. I told him that him singing TOML to David was one of the funniest things I have ever seen, and he laughed and I got a high-five. I also told Ryan that we missed him on David’s tour and he said to put a bug in someone’s ear about getting him back with David.
I told him that Tara from St. Louis said hi and he was like, “I think I know who that is.” And then I told him that he had called her trouble (or something) and he laughed and said “tell her I’m onto her. She doesn’t scare me”. He was sweet enough to sign a poster for me since I didn’t have enough cash on me to get the Breathe EP and I wanted something actually signed by him and not drawn on, like he did the last time. He asked me what I meant about that and I said that he drew on my CD back in Northampton and didn’t sign it. He laughed and was like, “Oh yeah” and then signed my poster for me, instead of drawing on it.
I stayed through Safety Suit and Collective Soul’s set, and ended up back over talking to Michelle waiting to say goodbye to Ryan before I left. Michelle and I actually realized we knew each other from the Ours show that we had both gone to in Boston so we were standing around talking so Ryan could finish signing CD’s and security came over to try to kick us out. Michelle showed him her all access pass and told the guard that I was with her. He left us alone for awhile and then about 20 minutes later started hovering, so I said a quick goodbye to Ryan and headed out, getting home at 1am. It was totally worth going and sitting in traffic for 2.5 hours to get to Hampton after work. Collective Soul puts on a HELL of a show. They’re really good and Safety Suit was fabulous as well (plus the lead singer is gorgeous). So, if you get the chance, you should go.
All pictures are here:
Fri August 14, 2009 in Hampton Beach, NH
Venue: Hampton Casino BallroomWith: Collective Soul, Safetysuit
SarahBeth added a link at Ryan Star
Aug 17, 2009
SarahBeth added a photo at Ryan Star
Aug 17, 2009
SarahBeth added a photo at Ryan Star
Aug 17, 2009
SarahBeth added a photo at Ryan Star
Aug 17, 2009
Great picture! I love it!
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SarahBeth is now following hiediearwood
Aug 13, 2009
Ryan, just wanted to let you know that
Ryan, just wanted to let you know that played Breathe today. I love that song - we've all been asking them to do it and they did. :) Continue reading
Posted Aug 6, 2009 at Ryan Star
Such a great picture, love the shades! :)
Good deal, thanks Ryan for letting me know. :)
Have a great weekend!
I keep meaning to ask because I missed the webchat...
I keep meaning to ask because I missed the webchat a few weeks ago - is there a definitive drop date for 11:59 yet?
I keep meaning to ask because I missed the webchat...
I keep meaning to ask because I missed the webchat a few weeks ago - is there a definitive drop date for 11:59 yet? Continue reading
Posted Jul 23, 2009 at Ryan Star
Sounds like fun!! :) Enjoy the bonfire and smores.
Amazing day at the beach. I spent the day in the...
Amazing day at the beach. I spent the day in the water feeling like I did when i was a kid surfing. Maybe it is Freudian but I connect with the water. I connected today. Peace Now I am waiting for my clothes to dry. Randy (right now director) came out and we took some photos as the sun went down ...
I love that idea!! Is there specific threads for each show or can we create them with our first posts?
check out the gigography section of the tour page....
check out the gigography section of the tour page. if you were at the show you can write a review, set list, post pics, etc! gonna be so cool for me to keep track of it all as the shows keep rolling by.
SarahBeth is now following joykb1124
Jul 21, 2009
That picture is hysterical. :) Classy, Ryan ;)
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Hey Kris! Nice to see you over here. :) Looking forward to seeing y'all again soon. :)
Hey all. This is Ryan's drummer...Kris. The new...
Hey all. This is Ryan's drummer...Kris. The new website is awesome. Make sure you visit often and tell everyone you know to check out the "Last Train Home" EP and to come see us on tour with Collective Soul. See you all soon, Kris
SarahBeth is now following Kris_Mazzarisi
Jul 21, 2009
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