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sarah katenda
griffin Ga
empowering the essence of our beauty
Interests: reading, writing, learning, laughing
Recent Activity
I am the author of my fate, all that cometh to me...
I am the author of my fate, all that cometh to me cometh by faith, what is truly mine no thing can take and what God has given unto me I shall tend to with a willingness and an openness and such a specific level of awareness to allow and... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2015 at sarah katenda's blog
I think we all wake up insecure and afraid. the...
I think we all wake up insecure and afraid. the largeness of life seems so overwhelming in those early morning moments when we are completely vulnerable. no make-up, or expensive clothes and shoes, no false sense of esteem or identity. in the early morning we open our eyes with a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 25, 2015 at sarah katenda's blog
I cant, wont determine what the future holds. I...
I cant, wont determine what the future holds. I can only look to my daily choices in the present moment and exist from that place. I have had many dreams in my sleep and they have made me restless. I seek after peace because I know when I am at... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2015 at sarah katenda's blog
I have lived and I have lived through it all....
I have lived and I have lived through it all. There is still room to grow, I have still so much to learn and more life to live. Through it all I have come to learn that you must stay true to yourself. you must constantly be open to change,... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2015 at sarah katenda's blog
sometimes you do not know where things will take you, so it is safer to close yourself from the possibilities. I think we need some one to tell us that it is okay to go there. To explore the possibilities. In that exploration we may find the key to lead... Continue reading
Posted Jun 21, 2011 at sarah katenda's blog
new beggenings
find the conviction within yourself to get out of your comfort zone. only when you are free from the limitation you place on yourself, do you have the confidence to go into new teritories. In new teritories do you discover the ubandance of your potential. Continue reading
Posted Jun 19, 2011 at sarah katenda's blog
life is beautiful. there more you know, the more you need to know. there more you explore and try, there more you realize you dont know much. it is in quet moments that it catches you off guard that as complicated as it is, it is beautifull and you are... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2011 at sarah katenda's blog
life is beautiful. there more you know, the more you need to know. there more you explore and try, there more you realize you dont know much. it is in quet moments that it catches you off guard that as complicated as it is, it is beautifull and you are... Continue reading
Posted May 4, 2011 at sarah katenda's blog
food for thought
We spend so much time thinking that we forget to do. There is a genuine fire that burns inside each of us. A passion and desire that yearn to become a reality and a tangible part of the universe. It is in our DNA to create and this attribute requires... Continue reading
Posted Apr 30, 2011 at sarah katenda's blog
when you realize a reality bigger than yourself, there is great anticipation that follows. and with that anticipation comes a desire to share that dream with all who are willing to hear. it is shocking to find that not every one feels like you do, and worse, you are believed... Continue reading
Posted Sep 1, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
i am the student
illusions are very powerful. we often think that life's trial are there to defeat us, but in reality, the are purposely set in our path to assist us that we may experience true joy. i know that may sound weired. the question may be, do we always have to suffer... Continue reading
Posted Jun 15, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
when we feel constricted, the first thing we do is realize and detest our weakness and inability to have the power to change our circumstances or walk away. we then become a victim of our circumstances. we look to someone to save us, but we never give them an opportunity... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
we get so concerned with the worries of life that we forget the most important thing, and that is our soul. the Bible speaks about how we have a natural tendency to spend our time on things that bring no growth to us, but that which is free, we ignore.... Continue reading
Posted Jun 10, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
sarah katenda is now following Account Deleted
Jun 8, 2010
it is hard yo voice your true emotions. it easy for us to follow what we think is right in order to not hurt anyone's feelings or step on anyone's toes. so, instead of expressing ourselves we hold it in and either act out our emotions or begin to resent... Continue reading
Posted Jun 8, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
when you make a conscious choice to change your life for the better, it is in this season that GOD truly tests your desire. he opens your eyes to all the little things that annoy you and have stolen your peace in the past. situations occur that make you question... Continue reading
Posted Jun 7, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
sarah katenda is now following David Steel
Jun 5, 2010
it is beautiful to know what you want. once you know, you live on purpose and not by circumstance. don't limit yourself, because if you can dream it, it can be. Continue reading
Posted Jun 5, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
the week is almost over and you find that the passion you had on monday for life, your goals and dreams has dwindled and now you are in a place of nothingness. you are just breathing.. you are tied and you want a new week to start all over again... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
it is absolutely possible to get what you want. in fact, we exist on constant basis of getting what we want whether conscious or unconscious. it is easy sometimes to question your own value when you desire things that you do not feel qualified for. the fact that you desire... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
sarah katenda is now following Account Deleted
Jun 3, 2010
it is shocking when you wake up one morning and the person you always knew to be insincere, out of the blue becomes genuine. the first thing you do is detest it and criticize it inside yourself. through experience, you have found out that many people are fickle and in... Continue reading
Posted Jun 3, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
sarah katenda is now following Account Deleted
Jun 2, 2010
in the hardest moments of your life, when you feel alone. when you look around and nothing seems to satisfy the the hole of sadness in your heart and you search your mind for what to do and cannot seem to find and answer; in that very moment remember you... Continue reading
Posted Jun 2, 2010 at sarah katenda's blog
sarah katenda is now following BLACK STAR
Jun 2, 2010
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