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sarah lacy
I'm a reporter/author in silicon valley. check out my world at
Recent Activity
Elon the Great (Tweeter)
Do yourself a favor and go follow Elon Musk on Twitter. Unless you work in one of his companies' PR departments. Then definitely don't. Because you'll likely want to ruin what's great about it. Last night he went on a... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2011 at
Thanks for All the Birthday Wishes, Facebook
Yesterday was my 36th birthday. My birthday used to be an event that passed between Christmas and New Year's unnoticed and only occassionally remembered by friends and family. AKA: Worst birthday ever. But now in an era of social networking,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2011 at
Golden Age of Tech Blogging Done? I Couldn't Disagree More
I'm a big fan of Jeremiah Owyang's market analysis but I think he missed the point on this one, big time. He recently wrote a post on how the Golden Age of tech blogging is over. No way. Unless of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2011 at
that last comment was supposed to be a reply fillep btw. threading isn't working for some reason...
Attention World: Don't Give the Arnon Kohavis Your Money
It's a sign that I'm ready to get back to blogging that at 7 pm on Christmas night, cuddled with my new baby and surrounded by my family, I read a Tweet that made my blood boil. It boiled with that special kind of anger that can only be quenched with a long, blog rant. That's fortunate, becau...
you are misunderstanding my point. it's not whether chile is or is not a great place for investment. it's to call total bs on someone who parachutes in and makes empty promises then gets frustrated that they can't come true in six months.
besides, people have said the same thing you have about china, india, russia, brazil and indonesia and great entrepreneurs have built multi-billion startups nonetheless. entrepreneurship is about taking risk.
Attention World: Don't Give the Arnon Kohavis Your Money
It's a sign that I'm ready to get back to blogging that at 7 pm on Christmas night, cuddled with my new baby and surrounded by my family, I read a Tweet that made my blood boil. It boiled with that special kind of anger that can only be quenched with a long, blog rant. That's fortunate, becau...
Attention World: Don't Give the Arnon Kohavis Your Money
It's a sign that I'm ready to get back to blogging that at 7 pm on Christmas night, cuddled with my new baby and surrounded by my family, I read a Tweet that made my blood boil. It boiled with... Continue reading
Posted Dec 26, 2011 at
When Men Try to Give Baby Gifts
A few weeks ago I was razzing Arrington about never giving us a baby gift, particularly given the rather thoughtful ones we recieved from his arch nemesis. This isn't *technically* true-- Heather bought out half of our registry on behalf... Continue reading
Posted Dec 17, 2011 at
In Lieu of News, Here's a Soap Unicorn
I am busy doing a lot of exciting things. The problem is, I can't really talk about them because I don't want to say what my next job is yet. (Watch me dodge questions on Bloomberg earlier this week here.)... Continue reading
Posted Dec 1, 2011 at
I Didn't Think the Fail Whale Logo Could Get Cuter...
...But I was wrong. This is one of those shirts that will totally confuse the older Eli. "Why did you dress me in this weird shirt with birds lifting a whale and think it was so awesome?" Thanks Tom Limongello... Continue reading
Posted Nov 23, 2011 at
The TechCrunch Drama Continues
In case you missed it, I quit TechCrunch Friday. It wasn't an easy decision. Here's the post I wrote: "This won’t come as a surprise to a lot of people, but I am leaving TechCrunch. My departure is something people... Continue reading
Posted Nov 19, 2011 at
Continue reading
Posted Nov 8, 2011 at
March of the Penguins
We're kicking off the main conference portion of Disrupt this morning. I can't believe it's finally here! This is one of the biggest moments of my career so far, and I haven't exactly had a sleepy career. I've invested plenty... Continue reading
Posted Oct 30, 2011 at
Neither Smog, Wi-Fi Failures nor a Pre-Halloween Blizzard Can Stop Us
I just went over to see the beginning of the Hackathon presentations and got chills when I saw the TechCrunch green Disrupt logos behind the stage in the ballroom of the China National Convention Center. I can't believe this is... Continue reading
Posted Oct 29, 2011 at
Men Men Men Me Men Me Men Men Men
Someone Tweeted the other day that the secret to me being able to balance a conference in China with a newborn baby was my husband. True. While I'm gone, he's taking off work to do double-parent duty. There's a lot... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2011 at
I think anytime is Jian Bing time. Is there a vendor near the Intercontinental? I miss the dodgy street behind the Opposite House :( Was always a reliable source of Jian Bing.
Oh and BTW...
I've been in Beijing for about 18 hours and still haven't had a Jian Bing. Peter McDermott and Tom Limongello-- if you are reading this blog, we need to rectify that tonight! #yum
Go Team TechCrunch!
Sorry for posting yet another baby photo, but my husband sent this last night to cheer me up. It's adorable. Eli does this fist bump constantly, btw. He cheers for food a lot. I'm not sure where he's picked it... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2011 at
Oh and BTW...
I've been in Beijing for about 18 hours and still haven't had a Jian Bing. Peter McDermott and Tom Limongello-- if you are reading this blog, we need to rectify that tonight! #yum Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2011 at
Missing This...
...but this is also pretty cool. I met Gang Lu of TechNode on my very first trip to China years ago and he's been one of many God-sends who has gone over and above to make Disrupt Beijing a success.... Continue reading
Posted Oct 27, 2011 at
The other day I got an innocuous email in my inbox from United Airlines making sure if I was prepared for my upcoming flight to China. Wait, what? That's still weeks away right? Why am I getting this email now?... Continue reading
Posted Oct 21, 2011 at
it's not patents! although you nailed paul's startup... :)
It's a rare moment of calm in my house. The house is clean, and dinner is chopped, prepped and marinating in the fridge. My husband is asleep in the livingroom. My new baby is fed and changed and sleeping in his car seat on the table next to my laptop. My cats -- who have been in lockdown becaus...
you win the fun of writing me an advance check! ;)
It's a rare moment of calm in my house. The house is clean, and dinner is chopped, prepped and marinating in the fridge. My husband is asleep in the livingroom. My new baby is fed and changed and sleeping in his car seat on the table next to my laptop. My cats -- who have been in lockdown becaus...
ha! that's my upcoming sitcom ;)
It's a rare moment of calm in my house. The house is clean, and dinner is chopped, prepped and marinating in the fridge. My husband is asleep in the livingroom. My new baby is fed and changed and sleeping in his car seat on the table next to my laptop. My cats -- who have been in lockdown becaus...
nope! wrote about brazil in my last book!
It's a rare moment of calm in my house. The house is clean, and dinner is chopped, prepped and marinating in the fridge. My husband is asleep in the livingroom. My new baby is fed and changed and sleeping in his car seat on the table next to my laptop. My cats -- who have been in lockdown becaus...
no, although I am going to do a bigger project around those themes in the future. i think the redesign wiped out a lot of retweets, comments and likes on past posts so it may not be obvious looking through archives. damn that redesign! ;)
It's a rare moment of calm in my house. The house is clean, and dinner is chopped, prepped and marinating in the fridge. My husband is asleep in the livingroom. My new baby is fed and changed and sleeping in his car seat on the table next to my laptop. My cats -- who have been in lockdown becaus...
nope, but that's a good guess. that was a chapter in my last book.
It's a rare moment of calm in my house. The house is clean, and dinner is chopped, prepped and marinating in the fridge. My husband is asleep in the livingroom. My new baby is fed and changed and sleeping in his car seat on the table next to my laptop. My cats -- who have been in lockdown becaus...
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