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Sara Marie Ortiz
Santa Fe, NM
Epic lover of language and literature, especially Indigenous, especially morbid, especially fantastic, especially evocative of the beautiful terrible possibility possessed in all things
Interests: dreaming, killing, loving, burying the dreaming dead (not necessarily in that order)
Recent Activity
Tacoma Art Museums, joins other local museums in staying open late (5–8 pm) and free to the public every third Thursday of the month. Enjoy all of our exhibitions, as well as additional programming and entertainment. Free museum admission begins at 5 pm. However, paid admission is not required to... Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 6, 2016 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog Continue reading
Reblogged Mar 6, 2016 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
I don't always drink coffee but when I do....I drink it out of my Blackfeet coffee mug ^_^ Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2016 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
Father-daughter Acoma Pueblo poetic Indige-lit beauty in myriad forms; join us! November 25th, 2015 7 PM @ Terra Tipi Continue reading
Posted Nov 1, 2015 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
I hope this BAP changes things. I hope this conversation changes things, Sherman. I truly, truly do, deep down in the deepest depths of my too-privileged, too-cynical, little black, half-white, Indigenous American poet heart. And, yes, yes indeed you are, a "very powerful literary figure." Ultimately, I'm still trying, as a young writer to learn how to hold space for some of these struggles and most complicated conversations to occur instead of rushing to lambast and rage at all I still don't understand, and all the venerated forebears, you relatives, who have nourished and compelled me such in vital ways. Fuck almighty is it hard. Also standing by my "fuck, Sherman Alexie" of early years though, a not-so-long-ago 'then', because, well, quite frankly it sounds awesome, and I know you actually love it in ways. Plus, I made buttons, and I'd hate for them to go to waste; *insert winky emoticon here*. Vulnerability, too, is power. You're a good egg, Sherman. We love you. I love you. Swil Kanim, at a recent Seattle gathering of Native luminaries and change-makers, reminded me to say that more. Because, well, it changes things. I believe him. I'll try. Love, Sara Marie.
Reblogged Feb 7, 2015 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
Available October/November 2014 Continue reading
Posted Oct 14, 2014 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
Image Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2014 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
My essay "Song" is included in this fabulous collection - A Sense of Regard: Essays on Poetry and Race, Edited by Laura Mccullough. Forthcoming from University of Georgia Press later in 2014. Essays by Kazim Ali, Tony Hoagland, Travis Hedge Coke, Martha Collins, and so many luminous others. . . Continue reading
Posted Apr 26, 2014 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
Reblogged Feb 24, 2014 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
Posted Dec 25, 2013 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog
Money and technology may seem to rule the world. But poetry and personal narrative shine a bright light on that ruse, bringing back into focus the real driving power of our lives: creative self-expression. Today (Feb. 7) at 7 p.m., the Society of the Muse of the Southwest (SOMOS) will... Continue reading
Reblogged Feb 10, 2013 at Sara Marie Ortiz's blog