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Sassy Priscilla
Interests: bruce springsteen, new movies, playing with my son, cats, sewing, baking, crafting, old movies, playing piano, organizing, reading mysteries, daniel craig, playing tennis, relaxing with my husband
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Hi Andrew, It certainly can have something to do with weight differences or humidity. I'm glad this recipe works for you, too! I love AllRecipes!
Aidan decided to be a dementor from Harry Potter this year. Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
Hi Betsy How nice to hear from you. I did nothing to the caterpillar after it made its cocoon. It wont eat at all. Just dont give up on it in the spring when it seems like it should have emerged. The only other advice I can think of is to make sure the jar is big enough for it to emerge without hurting its wings. Dont worry too much about that, either. We raised monarchs over the summer and I forgot to move one before it eclosed and she was just fine! Thanks for the advice on what the caterpillar eats. Ive had several questions about these caterpillars since I posted this and I have never been able to successfully answer what it eats for sure. I hope your little ones love the lesson. It is also a long lesson in patience! LOL. I recommend butterflies in the summer for a quick result. Ive been meaning to blog about our experience and have been a bit behind in blogging. Take care and let me know when yours emerges if you remember! Sarah Hi I am a little late on this thread but came across your fuzzy yellow caterpillar post when I google our fuzzy little yellow caterpillar. We are doing the same thing you did (hopefully). He has turned into a cocoon. I see that it took 8 months for the moth to emerge. Did you change the food/leaves while he was in a cocoon? I am afraid to move the old leaves incase I bump the cocoon or stick it is attached to... Ours is in a jar with a burlap top outside. Thanks for any advice. This has been and will be a fantastic lesson for my children. ps. The American Dagger Moth/caterpillar eats hardwood leaves. ie maple, oak, etc. we gave our caterpillar maple and he went to town and the next day he was a cocoon!
Toggle Commented Oct 16, 2010 on American Dagger Moth Caterpillar at Sassy Priscilla
Hi again Tori, I apologize that I dont know what the Dagger Moth Caterpillar eats. A book I have states it eats leaves from a variety of trees but doesnt specifically state which trees. When we got ours, it was ready to make a cocoon. Ive learned a bit about butterflies and moths since I posted this article and wouldnt recommend bringing in a caterpillar unless you can identify it and what it eats. We raised Monarch butterflies over the summer - the caterpillar host plant for monarchs is milkweed. Turning green does not sound like a good thing. It sounds like it is starving. I really recommend that if it isnt eating that you turn it loose. Ours made a cocoon within one day and did not lose any fur or turn any colors. Im sorry I cant help further. We only had one Dagger Moth caterpillar and I think I was just lucky with it ready to make its cocoon right away. I know with butterflies, the less handling, the better. Be sure to wash your hands before touching and after. Best wishes, Sarah
Hi Jesse, Thanks for the question. It took 8 months, but we got our moth. Here is a picture: Sarah
Toggle Commented Jul 21, 2010 on American Dagger Moth Caterpillar at Sassy Priscilla
I didn't realize it has been so long since I've posted. First of all, thanks for the nice comments about my rotten April and my anxiety issues. May went better though baby Huck had a setback and was hospitalized for possible seizures. No evidence was found while in the hospital and he is home and doing well now. Jeff and... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
We've been having some gorgeous weather lately. It has been a great excuse for working in the yard. Yesterday, as Jeff was mowing the lawn, Aidan was hurrying to rescue all the dandelions before they were cut by the mower. He came running up to me with a handful. My heart swooned. I am so glad May is here. April... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
Sorry about the picture - we couldn't wait to dig in. I barely tweaked this most delicious recipe from Southern Living. It is really, really good. I halved the recipe which made me play around with some of the ingredients amounts. I also added vanilla. Enjoy! Delicious Baked Oatmeal adapted from Southern Living (thanks Donnajean!) Ingredients 1 - 2 cups... Continue reading
Posted May 2, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
Well, Vi@gra and Ci@l!s and a whole host of sp@mmers have been my best commenters. The annoying daily task of marking them as sp@m has prompted me to require a little more effort when you post a comment. It is that annoying verification code. Sorry - my puny blog lasted this long without requiring it. Continue reading
Posted Apr 28, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
Yesterday, our beloved Toulouse died with his head in my hands, looking into my eyes. Unbeknownst to us, he had a tumor in his mouth. He had been misdiagnosed in January with a pancreatic problem. A new, warm, loving, kind vet helped us with him this week. Toulouse (pronounced too loose) first graced our lives three years ago when he... Continue reading
Posted Apr 11, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
I love your Spring cake. I ventured into making graham crackers using a recipe from AllRecipes: I've been meaning to try Smitten Kitchen's recipe and am anxious to learn your results from the KAF recipe.
Toggle Commented Mar 26, 2010 on spring cake and extras at angry chicken
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Mar 15, 2010
If my USB cord connection for my camera worked, I'd have a lovely picture of homemade chicken noodle soup. You'll just have to do with my lovely harvest of Music Garlic last summer. We are using the last bulb now. Guess who forgot to plant garlic last fall? Big mistake. It has been excellent. Here's a link to the buttermilk... Continue reading
Posted Mar 4, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
Since I haven't seen any new hot shots of Daniel Craig ever since he threw away the hotness in the name of Broadway, I thought I'd share with you this vintage, immaculate hot shot. Happy Birthday, Daniel. Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
Link is here. It is really pretty! Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
Myself? I try to sleep. Nicely done, Shannon. Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
I happen to adore New Orleans jazz. My favorite artist is Professor Longhair. He died about 10 years before I even heard of him. There's a great video (only on VHS - geez!) called Piano Players Rarely Play Together that I got for my birthday a few years ago. It is awesome. Tuts Washington, Henry Roeland Byrd (Professor Longhair, aka... Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
I served a Fat Tuesday meal tonight because I'm making stuffed pizza tomorrow. No reason for the switcheroo except Jeff won't be home until late tonight. I did not make the intended King Cake because I heard it isn't that awesome (dry). Is that true? If you get Penzey's catalog, you will find a coupon for a free spice. This month's spice is Cajun Seasoning. Looking for a way to cook it, I used this recipe as a guideline on how to make Blackened Cajun Chicken. The chicken turned out excellent - real moist and delicious. I think I'm going to find a way to blacken a butterflied chicken (hammered thin) that can be used for sandwiches with some cuban rolls. Cajun and Cuban together? Oh yeah - it will be excellent! I served this chicken with some brown rice and glazed carrots. This meal was enough to feed 4 people. Continue reading
Posted Feb 15, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
The little girls in the photos are so darling. I would love to win this giveaway. Thanks for the chance!
1 reply
Here's a fun craft that looks pretty darn neat hanging in your windows. Aidan and I made cellophane hearts and they are easy! Materials/Tools Needed Heavyweight, decorative paper Scissors Cellophane Glue stick Small, round paper punch Twine, ribbon or string for hanging (optional) Suction hook cups for hanging (optional) Technique Take two pieces of your decorative paper and place wrong... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
This is a simple little project my Mom and I came up when trying to figure out what to do with the leftover hearts from my Fabric Hanging Heart Garland. I realize that the instructions may be a bit basic as it is easy enough to look at the garland to figure it out. But I thought it would help... Continue reading
Posted Feb 3, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
My poor sister and sister-in-law. I'm pretty sure I'm not the only one that has given them a hard time about their choice for a baby name. I photographed the bunting without the first letter of the name. Start your guesses now! Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla
For the last several months, I have found ways to eliminate partially hydrogenated oils and corn syrup from our home diets. I've also worked to find ways to eliminate BPA products that our food is stored in. It is difficult with the canned goods - especially tomato products. I make all our own pizza and pasta sauces and use tomato... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2010 at Sassy Priscilla