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You say "I expect the release of pent-up demand to send the markets skyrocketing." I could not agree with you more! I was going to put this in my other comment, but I didn't want to get ahead of myself.
I found an article (video & text) from December 2019. Article Title: "Peter Navarro sees ‘at least’ Dow 32,000 in 2020 and US economic growth closer to 3% next year" A little background information on Peter Navarro: Ph.D. in Economics - Harvard University Business professor at the University of California-Irvine for more than 20 years Current "Director of the National Trade Council" Best Selling Books: “The Well-Timed Strategy,” “The Coming China Wars” “If It’s Raining in Brazil, Buy Starbucks” “Always a Winner: Finding Your Competitive Advantage in an Up and Down Economy” Peter Navarro predicted the Dow Jones to reach 32,000 by the end of 2020. While 2020 is far from over and the Dow almost reaching 30,000 in February 2020, for now, Mr. Navarro is wrong. This also proves Dr. Dennis Elam to be smarter than a Ph.D graduate from Harvard. Although Mr. Navarro could not foresee the "black swan" of COVID-19, I recall Dr. Dennis Elam mentioning the "bubble burst" several times; well before the COVID-19 panic. I'd like to hear Mr. Navarro's guesstimates for December 2020.
Red Bull and Alpine Stars collaboration. Continue reading
Posted Mar 15, 2020 at SA Talks Blog
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Mar 15, 2020
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Mar 15, 2020