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hes doin jeezy numbers i guess, but jeezy aint going everywhere sayin how great he is or how hes the boss. like rick ross got alotta balls to be actin like a G when he knows damn well he came from a fraudulent background. this nigga really needs to get chin checked by somebody. if i saw ross beat a nigga down 1 on 1 i would have a lot more respect for the nigga. i aint seen one gangsta thing hes ever done, yet he talks about how G he is in every song.
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how is he getting money? not by selling records. and thats his job.
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what does eminem get away with that anyone else doesnt? eminem makes jokes about killin people and raping bitches and making jokes about MJ and nsync and britney spears. NIGGAS talk about actually murking people and slanging and shit like that. so what does Em really get away with.
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dawg, nipsey got some talent. the nigga can spit. its cool that he cosigned ross even tho ross is fake as fuck. dont need to burn bridges for no reason. if this nigga can get signed to ross, thats just more buzz he got. you gotta step on any nigga u have to, to make it in this rap game. thats the business side of it
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THIS is exactly why the grammys dont mean shit. a bunch of white people tryin to tell us whats good music and whats not.
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damn nigga you dumb as fuck. you mad about a little joke from whitey but what about the fact that a BLACK doctor got locked up for killing MJ. niggas like you amuse me when you turn every muhfuckin thing into a racist issue. al sharpton ass niggas.
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how many niggas illegally downloaded or had ipods and all that shit back when MJ was sellin.
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white on white crime? i dont see the problem.
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props to eminem. hiphop aint dead, just 99% of the niggas is makin wack music.
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man fuck dre. i used to give this nigga a pass for the longest time. but theres no excuse i can make for him chillin wit ross. like ross is the #1 fakest muhfucka in the entire rap game, and dre is supposed to be a hardcore gangsta from the gritty streets of compton. fuck you dre. i dont give a fuck about detox no more. i never thought i would ever say this but dr dre has become irrelevant in the rap game.
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you dumb as fuck. when you own a record label and try to sign other nigga u gotta at least be able to sell your own dam cds
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Oh, don't think I forgot, let you slide Let me ride, just another homicide So strap on your Compton hat, your locs And watch your back cause you might get smoked, loc And I'ma snatch your ass from the backside To show you how Death Row pull off that who-ride
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how u gon be a boss but you cant even sell a mil.
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^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^ my thoughts exactly. how dumb can a nigga be. this nigga prob shook in jail and frontin like its all fun an games.
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man fuck this fraud ass nigga. wantin to work with justin beiber and justin timerberlake. nigga u softer than drake
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i was thinkin the same shit. if this nigga got 5mil to throw away im sure he would use some of it to give YM some buzz or publicity.
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this dont make no damn sense. how is drake selling more than WTT. the young money niggas always seem to sell more than other people. but its always JUST the young money niggas. that shit dont add up. if birdman willing to blow 5mil on a football game, i bet this nigga buyin albums to increase the hype. i guess birdman figures them platinum plaques and recognition are worth the money.
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@Estevaonascimento204 you dumb as fuck son. RED had like little to no publicity. you cant blame DRE for making it flop. for your information pac didnt like dre cuz of snoop doggs court case, in many interviews he says how dre is a legend and shit like that. and he flew to miami to help ross album not get ross on dres album. shut the fuck up on shit you no nothing about. dre is probably the hardest workin nigga in the game. except when it comes to his own cds.
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youre dumb as fuck fool. what swag? this dumb video hoe is only "famous" cuz she fucks rappers. how is that having swag? you'll type any retarded ass comment just to promote your shitty beats.
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I would really, really love to do a song with Pitbull and LMFAO. They're probably like my two favorites your favorites? can this bitch be anymore retarded. pitbull is favorite rapper in the entire history of hiphop? i dont think i would say that in public
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bills were like 5-0 at one point, jets went to AFC championship 2 years in a row before their meltdown this year, and... yea the dolphins are just trash. but its not like the NFC east is that great anymore. the deadskins and rex grossman are a joke. the dream team didnt do shit. and the cowgirls are consistently the biggest chokers in the NFL. you see how the cowboys curse affected billy cunt-iff, the former cowboy. every giants game they won in the playoffs came from 5 turnovers or more. eli had nothing to do with those. if eli wins the SB ill shut the fuck up and give him props, but until then, brady got the better record, and the most rings.
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did eli single handedly cause the 8million turn-overs and dropped passes the packers had in that last game. the refs even cheated for them on a crucial play and they still lost bad.
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if brady and manning have the same problems and the same terrible defenses why is brady 13-3 and manning 9-7.
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would an elite QB go 9-7?
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