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Savia R
Recent Activity
Savia R is now following Syerah Virani
Apr 22, 2010
@Lachman: You're absolutely right and I love that quote... so true. @Noman: I am always amazed with the talent that you see around the city.
Toggle Commented Apr 22, 2010 on Subway musings at Listen Up!
1 reply
What a fantastic resolution Sy! Good luck with it. There'll be many who cheer you on when you cross the finishing line... :)
Toggle Commented Jan 7, 2009 on Welcome 2009! at Sy in the City
1 reply
It's refreshing to note that idealism isn't a Utopian dream in today's cynical world. I wish there were more politicians (and activists) who approached their work with similar zeal.
1 reply
The biggest challenge at most times is acceptance of the situation as it is - good or bad. Once you get past the acceptance stage, I guess things can only get better. Great post Syerah, it gave me food for thought.
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2008 on Going with the flow.. at Sy in the City
1 reply
I'm wary of remakes in general and feel they tend to kill the original a la Ram Gopal Varma's 'Sholay.' It'll be interesting to see if this one turns out to be any different.
1 reply
Love a good fish curry recipe and I'll be sure to try this out! The pic looks enticing enough... Your recipe mentions 1-2 cubes - what cubes are these?
Toggle Commented Mar 15, 2008 on Hot & Sour Fish Curry at Kitchen Confidential
1 reply