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Sarah works at the Northern District library in Toronto.
Interests: As a girl, I remember wanting to grow up to be "a fat, jolly author." I've since branched out from a diet of British fantasy, but I still love books and reading and making people laugh!
Recent Activity
TPLChristie: I'm with you on sloths! One of my favourite cozy, quiet read-alouds is Eric Carle's "Slowly, Slowly, Slowly," Said the Sloth, included in your link to more books. Thank you!
TOpicks: Lions and Tigers and Books, Oh My!
Whether they serve us, or we serve them, animals are often our most loyal (and sometimes furry... or scaly) best friends. Throughout our history many have worked alongside us through each step of our evolution and progression to where we are today. We may not be privy to an animal’s rich interna...
Doctor Seuss: Marvin K. Mooney, will you please go now! and To Think That I Saw it on Mulberry Street were faves. Also, CS Lewis and Tolkien: a memory that stands out is my mom reading all three books of Lord of the Rings (plus the Hobbit!) aloud to us. We'd sit on the "balcony" (really the gravelly rooftop of the garage) on warm summer evenings listening to her read and being drawn into those worlds. And LM Montgomery: Anne of Green Gables was mentioned in the comments above, but I was definitely an Emily of New Moon girl!
TOpicks: Throwback Tuesday – Favourites From Your Childhood
Most people have cherished childhood books which inspired their imaginations and nurtured their love of reading. The same can be said about our favourite movies and music from our early years – they inspired or shocked us in ways that still influence us today. These memories help us grow and sha...
You Say Gryphon, I Say Griffin! The Bronze Sculptures of Lillian H. Smith Branch
Lillian H. Smith Branch griffins. Photographer: Ludzer Vandermolen Toronto Public Library has two magical bronze griffin lion sculptures guarding the front doors of the Lillian H. Smith branch. New York Public Library has its lions, but we like ours better! The two creatures gracing the arched...
Thanks for the recommendations, Margaret! I will order a few of these books for my son, who recently informed me that he's changed his name to Kittenhead. He'll love them!
Cat Manga for Nyan Nyan Nyan (or any day!)
In Japan, February 22 is National Cat Day. It's celebrated on this day because the Japanese word for meow is nyan and the word for two is pronounced "ni", so when the date 22/2 is spoken it sounds a lot like nyan, nyan, nyan or meow, meow, meow. Japan, home of YouTube celebrity Maru, Hello Kitt...
Grahzny bratchny, from A Clockwork Orange!
Sweary Books, Part 1: Self-H*lp
***Content Warning: Foul Language*** If you object to the current prevalence of swearing in our culture, please read no further; this will only tick you off. "Mature". Right. If you're still reading, it's safe to assume you're okay with salty talk, correct? So: what the frilly heck is u...
The return of Lyra? Excited for this... thanks for the recommendation!
Philip Pullman Returns with Lyra to Oxford
Over twenty years ago, readers the world over met Lyra Belacqua, daemons, noble polar bears and Jordan College, a parallel of our own Oxford University. We followed Lyra and her adventures through Philip Pullman's Dark Materials trilogy, Lyra's Oxford, Once Upon A Time In The North and The Colle...
Thanks for your comment, Jack!
You Say Gryphon, I Say Griffin! The Bronze Sculptures of Lillian H. Smith Branch
Lillian H. Smith Branch griffins. Photographer: Ludzer Vandermolen Toronto Public Library has two magical bronze griffin lion sculptures guarding the front doors of the Lillian H. Smith branch. New York Public Library has its lions, but we like ours better! The two creatures gracing the arched...
Great question, Anna! Work on the sculptures would have started by the spring of 1993, in time for the branch opening on October 16, 1995.
You Say Gryphon, I Say Griffin! The Bronze Sculptures of Lillian H. Smith Branch
Lillian H. Smith Branch griffins. Photographer: Ludzer Vandermolen Toronto Public Library has two magical bronze griffin lion sculptures guarding the front doors of the Lillian H. Smith branch. New York Public Library has its lions, but we like ours better! The two creatures gracing the arched...
Thanks for your comments - I'm glad to hear that these one-of-a-kind sculptures are so well-loved!
You Say Gryphon, I Say Griffin! The Bronze Sculptures of Lillian H. Smith Branch
Lillian H. Smith Branch griffins. Photographer: Ludzer Vandermolen Toronto Public Library has two magical bronze griffin lion sculptures guarding the front doors of the Lillian H. Smith branch. New York Public Library has its lions, but we like ours better! The two creatures gracing the arched...
You Say Gryphon, I Say Griffin! The Bronze Sculptures of Lillian H. Smith Branch
Lillian H. Smith Branch griffins. Photographer: Ludzer Vandermolen Toronto Public Library has two magical bronze griffin lion sculptures guarding the front doors of the Lillian H. Smith branch. New York Public Library has its lions, but we like ours better! The two creatures gracing the arched brick entrance at Lillian... Continue reading
Posted Jun 17, 2016 at Arts & Culture
Great post, Diane - thanks for the puppetry love! Lillian H. Smith branch also has its annual Day of Puppetry coming up on Saturday April 23, in partnership with the Ontario Puppetry Association:
Hope to see many puppet fans there!
Puppetry's Still Got It
"Too Much Noise" presented at Locke Puppetry has been popular for centuries as art and entertainment, and this is still true today. Case in point: Kermit the Frog remains famous, even though he’s been around since 1955, and the story of Pinocchio, the little wooden puppet with a penchant for...
Check out the Story Project so far! Find it here:
Or, go to the Lillian H. Smith homepage and click on the box, top right:
There are many beautiful stories there, and hopefully more to come!
Lillian H. Smith library 20th Anniversary Story Project
photo: Christina Wong Do you remember going to the Boys and Girls House, either before 1964 or after? Or the gas station and car park - the site that the Lillian H. Smith branch is built on? Were you at the opening of the library? Have you lived in the Kensington-China Town neighbourhood for...
Hi Nalini,
The Story Project is now online! You can find it here:
Or, go to the Lillian H. Smith homepage and click on the Story Project box, top right:
Congratulations, Christina!
Q&A with Lillian H. Smith's Digital Storyteller Christina Wong
Photo Credit: Toronto Public Library Digital Archive; Boys and Girls House (1922-1963), St. George St., w. side, between College & Russell Sts. Christina Wong, Toronto Public Library staff, is passionate about collecting stories. City landmarks may change over time, but the spirit of a place ...
Thanks Nicole and Joanna - what a great post! How times have changed... I can tell you that when I'm cycling, my bicyle face is usually a big grin!!
“Bicycle Face!” Women and Cycling in the Victorian Age
Interested in learning about the heyday of cycling in Toronto? Be sure to visit our current exhibit Toronto’s Sporting Past in the TD Gallery located on the main floor of the Toronto Reference Library. Catch the exhibit before it closes on September 5! You can also check out our virtual exhibit ...
Re-reading makes me think of my poor mother. She read Lord of the Rings aloud to us, cover to cover, at least 3 times (as each kid reached the right age for it). Thank you Mom! One book I finished, and immediately flipped over and started again, was The Road by Cormac McCarthy.
Are You a Re-Reader?
Photo Credit: Jamelah E. on a CC License Some books demand a rereading. What books have you met that you need to see again? What book is so dear to you that it would never wind up at your garage sale? Author and columnist Stephen Marche hits the nail on the head when he says that "You can b...
Thanks for this post, Cathy! If readers are interested, we will be running a Mahasati Meditation class at Lillian H. Smith Branch, starting May 13, 2015. Details here:
Benefits of Meditation and Mindfulness
Creative Commons Deed CCO Mindfulness has been the 'flavour of the month' for health books recently. I think of mindfulness as focusing on the present and being in the moment and a technique to deal with stress and anxiety in our busy lives. And indeed, many recent titles on mindfulness are ab...
Hi Yuka,
I agree! I encourage everyone to come and visit this adorable house!
Doll Houses: Creepy or Cute?
Doll houses are cute, right? WRONG. Do a quick search for doll house stories, and you are bound to come up with one of the scariest books (of my childhood, at least): The Dollhouse Murders, by Betty Ren Wright. Amy and her sister Louann move to an old farmhouse with their aunt Clare, where the i...
Thanks for getting in touch, Valena. Both films are available for borrowing at Toronto Public Library. Search for "Home Safe," limit to Movies, and author Laura Sky. This link should take you to the record for these films in our catalogue:
Good luck with your project!
Home Safe Documentary Series
Two documentaries by SkyWorks will be screened here at Lillian H Smith Branch. SkyWorks is a non-profit documentary organization that deals with contemporary social issues. The first film titled Home Safe Toronto reveals how recession and the decline of manufacturing have left families with lo...
Glad you both enjoyed it! Happy reading...
The King in Yellow : Book at the dark heart of True Detective
Have you been watching True Detective? I have been obsessing over it a bit lately, and not only for the gripping performances by Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson. The show quickly moves from a plain old cop drama into a fascinating study in detective-noir, Southern gothic, horror, and pos...
Thanks for your comments, Maria! It's nice to know someone is reading closely - I corrected the errors you rightly pointed out.
What do Jimmy Page and J.S. Bach have in common?
What indeed? Well, as Eric Siblin writes in The Cello suites: J.S. Bach, Pablo Casals, and the search for a Baroque masterpiece, they could both compose a pretty heavy riff! Led Zeppelin is only mentioned briefly in Siblin's book: the focus is on Bach and Casals, the famous Catalan cellist w...
Thanks for your interest, Cyclist! Our next workshop, "Cycling in Fall and Winter," will be held on Saturday November 17, 2012, from 2-4 pm. Hope you can join us!
All About Cold Weather Cycling!
I love hopping on my bicycle in the morning, but now that it's getting colder outside, do I have the courage to keep pedalling to work? Last Saturday, over 40 people gathered at Lillian H. Smith to learn about bicycling in the winter. They all had a great time, as you can tell by the smiles belo...
I really liked Moira Young's book Blood Red Road, first novel in the Dust Lands series. 18-year old Saba is an unlikely heroine in a post-apocalyptic desert world, where she embarks on a wild mission to rescue her twin brother. Next book, Rebel Heart, is due out in October and I'm looking forward to it!
Canucks in Space: Canadian Science Fiction is Awesome! (Pt. 2)
(This post is the second in a series about Canadian Science Fiction. Here's a link to the first post) Its taken decades, but the Science Fiction genre has finally proven that its got a legitimate place in the world of high literature. The contributions of a small but incredibly talented group o...
Sounds great! Here's a link to Craig's recommended book:
Trail marker trees
Have you ever been hiking and come across a strangely-shaped tree? One that has a distinct elbow-shaped bend in it, so that the trunk grows up a short ways, then across and up? If so, there is a chance that First Nations people may have purposely shaped the tree long ago, in order to point the w...
You're welcome Maureen and Diana!
Trail marker trees
Have you ever been hiking and come across a strangely-shaped tree? One that has a distinct elbow-shaped bend in it, so that the trunk grows up a short ways, then across and up? If so, there is a chance that First Nations people may have purposely shaped the tree long ago, in order to point the w...
I thought it would be more of a strain to read from a screen, but on a device with eInk, it's not. You just need the regular amount of light you'd need when reading from a paper book. When I was testing one of the tablets, though, it was more like reading from a regular computer screen, and I didn't like that as much.
Six reasons why I ♥ my eBook reader
I'm late to the game of eBooks and eAudiobooks, but ever since acquiring an e-reader at the beginning of December, I'm a full-fledged convert. Why do I love my eBook reader? Well, here are six reasons why: 1. Simplicity. The technology is not too hard to figure out, even for a relative luddit...
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