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Russell Scarbrough
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I'm fascinated by how you conducted this - in 3, I guess, from what you said at the top. It's certainly an example of a big band piece that "needs" a conductor. Is there video of this you could post?
Bob's albums ought to be a clue that there is some great big band stuff happening right now over in Europe, that stateside we rarely hear about. Bootlegs of radio-only performances reveal some wild stuff happening over there. Vienna Art Orchestra - Art and Fun John Hollenbeck & Jazz Big Band Graz - Joys and Desires (my preference of his first 2 big band records, by a nose) Tim Hagans, Peter Erskine & Norrbotten Big Band - Worth the Wait Slide Hampton & the Vanguard Jazz Orch - The Way Mingus Big Band - Tonight at Noon Also - is anyone else struck by the fact that there were no Stan Kenton albums in the top 25? He's due for a major re-assessment. At least some people remembered Don Ellis.
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Mar 11, 2010