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Megan Young
New Zealand
Recent Activity
oops, i did it again
Made plans and got too busy for plans, which made them bad plans. And then I lost my credit card and cancelled my credit card and now my typepad account is about to stop me from posting here because I... Continue reading
Posted Apr 22, 2017 at the scent of water
i cry house dust
I'm practising selfies because I am going to use portraiture in my PhD project, but my supervisor doesn't like how I take them. God spare me other people's strong photographic opinions. He's not wrong, technically. It's just that, blergh to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 12, 2017 at the scent of water
I forgot my password too, so I looked at my photos as a visitor. Which was kind of appropriate.
not much like a virgin
I've been going through my old Flickr account - remember Flickr? Does anyone still use Flickr? What even is Flickr? It used to be the thing bloggers had to join to be like the cool kids, and now blogs aren't even the thing bloggers have to join to be like the cool kids. Blogs are so 2007....
Smart, sweet, and engaging is definitely my kind of man.
not much like a virgin
I've been going through my old Flickr account - remember Flickr? Does anyone still use Flickr? What even is Flickr? It used to be the thing bloggers had to join to be like the cool kids, and now blogs aren't even the thing bloggers have to join to be like the cool kids. Blogs are so 2007....
It's true they were never great times, but I kind of got used to the random crashes. But the exploding plates were a little terrifying. xx
not much like a virgin
I've been going through my old Flickr account - remember Flickr? Does anyone still use Flickr? What even is Flickr? It used to be the thing bloggers had to join to be like the cool kids, and now blogs aren't even the thing bloggers have to join to be like the cool kids. Blogs are so 2007....
Thank you! I refuse to believe Alan Alda is 81. 61 max.
Ah, time. No matter how much I plead, it carries on its relentless march.
not much like a virgin
I've been going through my old Flickr account - remember Flickr? Does anyone still use Flickr? What even is Flickr? It used to be the thing bloggers had to join to be like the cool kids, and now blogs aren't even the thing bloggers have to join to be like the cool kids. Blogs are so 2007....
I am not sure there ever was any point to Flickr, though the existentialist in me feels this way about almost everything.
And uncool is the new cool. Definitely.
not much like a virgin
I've been going through my old Flickr account - remember Flickr? Does anyone still use Flickr? What even is Flickr? It used to be the thing bloggers had to join to be like the cool kids, and now blogs aren't even the thing bloggers have to join to be like the cool kids. Blogs are so 2007....
The epitome of cool is rejecting cool. Which makes you the coolest.
not much like a virgin
I've been going through my old Flickr account - remember Flickr? Does anyone still use Flickr? What even is Flickr? It used to be the thing bloggers had to join to be like the cool kids, and now blogs aren't even the thing bloggers have to join to be like the cool kids. Blogs are so 2007....
not much like a virgin
I've been going through my old Flickr account - remember Flickr? Does anyone still use Flickr? What even is Flickr? It used to be the thing bloggers had to join to be like the cool kids, and now blogs aren't... Continue reading
Posted Feb 24, 2017 at the scent of water
*You're* lovely by the way ... (and thank you ) xx
erm, no, it hasn't been a week
It hasn't even been much more than a day, but I sat at my desk this afternoon looking through the ripped and discarded pile of drawings I rescued from the recycling bin, and I had an inspiration. One of those so-obvious-you-want-to-slap-your-stupid-self inspirations. Short story: collage. Col...
Thank you, I seem to an eye affinity, whoever knew? Well, they are the windows to the soul...
erm, no, it hasn't been a week
It hasn't even been much more than a day, but I sat at my desk this afternoon looking through the ripped and discarded pile of drawings I rescued from the recycling bin, and I had an inspiration. One of those so-obvious-you-want-to-slap-your-stupid-self inspirations. Short story: collage. Col...
Yes xx
erm, no, it hasn't been a week
It hasn't even been much more than a day, but I sat at my desk this afternoon looking through the ripped and discarded pile of drawings I rescued from the recycling bin, and I had an inspiration. One of those so-obvious-you-want-to-slap-your-stupid-self inspirations. Short story: collage. Col...
Going! *excited clapping and a little bit of a happy jig*
erm, no, it hasn't been a week
It hasn't even been much more than a day, but I sat at my desk this afternoon looking through the ripped and discarded pile of drawings I rescued from the recycling bin, and I had an inspiration. One of those so-obvious-you-want-to-slap-your-stupid-self inspirations. Short story: collage. Col...
Turns out they work really well being re-made into collage, though I also love your idea of spreading them throughout the neighbourhood. I used to leave notes in library books for just the same reason. Great fun.
the rambling imaginary of Mrs. M.C.M. Young*
I can't remember the name of the font I was using to label the *cough* 'polaroids' that I have recently posted, so I picked another font to try that I will probably also forget the name of in another few weeks. This is certainly the least interesting and/or useful piece of information you will...
erm, no, it hasn't been a week
It hasn't even been much more than a day, but I sat at my desk this afternoon looking through the ripped and discarded pile of drawings I rescued from the recycling bin, and I had an inspiration. One of those... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2017 at the scent of water
Some of it really isn't, and that's okay. But I hear you. I do.
the rambling imaginary of Mrs. M.C.M. Young*
I can't remember the name of the font I was using to label the *cough* 'polaroids' that I have recently posted, so I picked another font to try that I will probably also forget the name of in another few weeks. This is certainly the least interesting and/or useful piece of information you will...
Well goodness. I don't think it's possible to say anything more lovelier to me than that. Thank you, and now I will happily dream of my failures not being failures at all but living their life as they want to live it, wherever their bin may take them.
the rambling imaginary of Mrs. M.C.M. Young*
I can't remember the name of the font I was using to label the *cough* 'polaroids' that I have recently posted, so I picked another font to try that I will probably also forget the name of in another few weeks. This is certainly the least interesting and/or useful piece of information you will...
I will try! I'll make a folder for the failure and look at them again in a few months and see if they are at all redeemable. But I do make some rather hilarious messes on a regular basis, I just never take photos of them. Perhaps I should!
the rambling imaginary of Mrs. M.C.M. Young*
I can't remember the name of the font I was using to label the *cough* 'polaroids' that I have recently posted, so I picked another font to try that I will probably also forget the name of in another few weeks. This is certainly the least interesting and/or useful piece of information you will...
the rambling imaginary of Mrs. M.C.M. Young*
I can't remember the name of the font I was using to label the *cough* 'polaroids' that I have recently posted, so I picked another font to try that I will probably also forget the name of in another few... Continue reading
Posted Jan 13, 2017 at the scent of water
Good job! It's all anyone can really do.
what it lacks in power it makes up for in photogenecity
I have an amulet now. It's not a very good amulet, its main superpower seems to be snagging on the threads of the one top I have that I don't feel like a complete ugly duckling frump wearing. So, that's disappointing. It's possible that I don't understand how to work it, I am not well schooled...
what it lacks in power it makes up for in photogenecity
I have an amulet now. It's not a very good amulet, its main superpower seems to be snagging on the threads of the one top I have that I don't feel like a complete ugly duckling frump wearing. So, that's... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2017 at the scent of water
being here (happy New Year)
I spent hours writing an end of year post yesterday, hours. Then after midnight, when I was finally finished, Typepad crashed and everything was erased. Pity, because it was a staggering work of heartbreaking genius. Never mind. The collage remains;... Continue reading
Posted Dec 31, 2016 at the scent of water
I love that pen too! Not as much as I love tea with flowers, but very very close.
my life as a blue lace-cap hydrangea
The thing about the macro lens, in all its cheap non-focusing glory, is now I see things that I always wanted to see but never knew I wanted to see them. I live inside flowers now. I live inside flowers and I identify as a blue lace-cap hydrangea and I call myself Princess Melissa Rose. It's n...
I'm sure I'll come up with far too many things ... !
my life as a blue lace-cap hydrangea
The thing about the macro lens, in all its cheap non-focusing glory, is now I see things that I always wanted to see but never knew I wanted to see them. I live inside flowers now. I live inside flowers and I identify as a blue lace-cap hydrangea and I call myself Princess Melissa Rose. It's n...
my life as a blue lace-cap hydrangea
The thing about the macro lens, in all its cheap non-focusing glory, is now I see things that I always wanted to see but never knew I wanted to see them. I live inside flowers now. I live inside flowers... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2016 at the scent of water
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