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Hello! Thank you for the example for Epocrates. I'm a Nursing Liaison Librarian and my Nursing students have to cite information from Epocrates and Micromedex all the time. Micromedex and Lexicomp, two drug information subscription only databases (reference databases NOT mobile apps) are difficult to cite in APA. I tell students: For your reference citation, combine the suggested Micromedex citation format (they want you to include the trademarked name and the publication info) with the APA format for Online Encyclopedias and Dictionaries. Include the retrieval date because this source changes over time. For your in-text citation, follow the instructions/example for Organization as Author in Purdue OWL. ​​Example: Drug Interactions Tool Simvastatin – Warfarin Sodium (n.d.) In IBM Micromedex® Drug Interaction Checking [Electronic version]. IBM Watson Health, Greenwood Village, CO. Retrieved April 18, 2019 from Example: Drug Article Levetiracetam: Patient education. (2019, May 13). In IBM Micromedex® [Electronic version]. IBM Watson Health, Greenwood Village, CO. Retrieved January 19, 2019, from Another way might be to leave out all the publication information that Micromedex asks you to include. This would make it closer to the APA format for Online Encyclopedias and Dictionaries. Example: Drug Article Levetiracetam: Patient education. (2019, May 13). In IBM Micromedex® [Electronic version]. Retrieved January 19, 2019, from Which is the most correct? Or would APA recommend another format? Thank you!
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Jun 7, 2019