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Michelle Reingold
San Francisco
Public relations, communications and marketing professional, Shmoozing Expert
Interests: music, security, erp, wireless, social media, entertainment, virtualization, crm, horseback riding., biotech, plm, telecommunications, event management, public relations and communications, data center automation, internal and external sales, fashion and wine industry
Recent Activity
My favorite movie quote
The recent Fisher Price toy recalls and Meg Whitman housekeeper situation got me thinking about crisis communications and leadership. This was the one (of many) problems that ruined BP during the tragic oil disaster in the Gulf of Mexico. If you remember the 1995 movie, The American President, there was a point in the film where the President, played my Michael Douglass was in his office with one of his advisers, Lewis, played by Michael J. Fox. Shepherd jeopardizes his political future with an ill-timed romance, unrealistically claiming a right to privacy. The situation is spun by his political rival... Continue reading
Posted Sep 30, 2010 at Schmoozing In Style
Keeping up with the Schmoozing
It has been a while since I last updated this site, but here I am! I have been going to many events lately and noticed that most people act like they are at a Jr. high dance, regardless of their sex. They come with their friends, stand in a corner and act if they cross over to introduce themselves to someone new a lion will single them out for attack, (I guess I have been watching a bit too much Animal Planet.) Having just celebrated the Jewish New Year, Rosh Hashanah about a week ago, it is time for resolutions... Continue reading
Posted Sep 16, 2010 at Schmoozing In Style
Take off the blinders
I just started reading an amazing book, "Animals in Translation," by Temple Grandin and Catherine Johnson. It is fascinating! The way that "normal" or "average" human beings behave, in contrast to autistic children and animals is very interesting. I have already learned so much. It is amazing how we miss the tiny details in our day to day lives that can change the bigger picture. So far, I have read how, normal human beings are limited in the way they think because we are too abstract. We are too used to seeing certain things so many times we miss the... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2010 at Schmoozing In Style
Listen to the Masters- Three Tips for Easy Conversation
As I have said previously, it is important to have mentors and I am fortunate enough to personally know the Queen of Schmoozing, Susan RoAne, "The Mingling Maven," and quote her recent blog post on, "Three Tips for Easy Conversation," because it is so important for any situation. Three Tips for Easy Conversation by Susan RoAne When people tell me that they are not "good at schmoozing" either in their professional or personal life, it can be an explanation or an excuse and sometimes both. First off, schmoozing is easy going conversation that is engaging and without an objective. It's... Continue reading
Posted Jan 15, 2010 at Schmoozing In Style
Media Matters
I am often asked, how do you get to know the reporters the way you do? For anyone who has worked with me, I am all about getting to know the face behind the voice on the phone. Media relations is the art of building relationships of trust and mutual interest with reporters. It’s a step up from publicity for your product, service or event, or asking reporters and editors to do your marketing for you. Remember, reporters don’t work for you (or me) - they work for their editors, readers, and viewers. Try an approach that builds better relationships... Continue reading
Posted Jan 7, 2010 at Schmoozing In Style
Schmoozing into the New Year
“It's not what you know or who you know, but who knows you.” - Susan RoAne With New Years Eve approaching tomorrow, it is important to remember when you are attending any festivities that this is your chance to really get out there and schmooze! In case you are wondering how to do this, here are a few tips with the help of Guy Kawasaki on how to master the art of schmoozing: The key is to establish a relationship before you need it. And this is why I'd like to provide the art of schmoozing. Understand the goal. They... Continue reading
Posted Dec 30, 2009 at Schmoozing In Style
Media kit Madness
The other day I was meeting with my friend discussing upcoming media/product coverage opportunities and she said that a few editors requested a media kit. It's funny how those two little innocent words, "media kit" usually strike a note of anxiety in most start-up or small business owners. I think the reason is because many don't understand what a media kit is or what it should offer. Media kits are designed to give a clear picture of the benefits of advertising with you. It paints a picture of what the prospective customer will receive and how the customer will expand... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2009 at Schmoozing In Style
strategic event planning
I told you all a few days ago how I have been working with a friend to promote her cosmetics and jewelry business. About a month ago, I sent out the Facebook invites, then followed up with reminders and sent out a note the day of the event which was actually last night. This brings up my new event invite "rule for anyone who sends out invites via Evite or Facebook for any type of event," Maybe's are NO's, then subtract about 2-3 from the "Yes" list to get your total. Here are a few things to think of before... Continue reading
Posted Dec 20, 2009 at Schmoozing In Style
The Mingling Maven
It's important to have mentors. One incredible woman who I have looked to for career advice is Susan RoAne, "The Mingling Maven." I consider her the queen of schmoozing. Her book, "How to Work a Room," just turned 21! Check out her blog. Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2009 at Schmoozing In Style
Michelle Reingold is now following David Berkowitz
Dec 18, 2009
Michelle Reingold is now following Seth Godin
Dec 18, 2009
I think this says it all..
I think this says it all.. Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2009 at Schmoozing In Style
SHO off your Message
I am working with Shoshanna Karp, an amazing woman who has started her own cosmetics line called SHO. I will tell you more about the line later. One of the first things we worked on together was her website and messaging. In both public relations and marketing, the message is the first thing that your target audience sees. It is a 15 second moment in time that will make or break your brand. Julie Chance, president of Strategies-by-Design based in Dallas wrote an article back in 2007 that provided a very good and comprehensive, six step process that explained what... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2009 at Schmoozing In Style
Michelle Reingold is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 18, 2009
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