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Jennifer Shepard
Charleston SC
Recent Activity
I love all kinds of color medium, but I probably use watercolor pencils the most. Thanks so much for sharing your talents with us and for hosting another great giveaway!
Random Hauls + GIVEAWAY!
Hello everyone! I got a wicked sunburn yesterday when I was out and about with the kids (totally my own fault for forgetting to put on sunscreen and staying out in the blazing sun for too long) and am trying to take it easy today (it really is that bad - so not happy with myself). I finally got ...
I buy ALL the things! Lol :D Yet I find myself using mostly the same things each project - I need to break out of my shell. Thanks so much for hosting the giveaway and for sharing your talents with us.
Scrap N Stamp Haul + GIVEAWAY!
Ahhhhh Monday is over LOL. While I'm not a fan I DID get a box of goodies in the mail that I ordered last week - and stay tuned to the end of the post b/c there's a GIVEAWAY too ;) ;). You can watch directly on YouTube HERE <------click! As always here's links to multiple sources: I get asked ...
(I hope this isn't posting 100 times, but I seem to be having trouble with submission)
Thank you so much for hosting this giveaway -- I think I could make about 6-8 cards with the kit, but would use the stamps for all kinds of projects, too!
SSS Halloween Kit Unboxing & GIVEAWAY!
That's right - not only did I get my hands on one of the limited edition SSS STAMPtember(R) Halloween Kits - I ordered a second one to give away to one of you! Check out the video showing the kit "unboxing", as well as the couple other goodies I ordered: Or watch directly on YouTube HERE <---...
Jennifer Shepard is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 6, 2016
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