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Michelle Ly
Michelle graduated from the University of British Columbia with a Bachelor of Science in Cell Biology and Genetics. She is currently working at the BC Cancer Research Centre in Vancouver, BC while pursuing interests in computer science, science outreach and education, and writing. Her diverse background includes stints at Celator Pharmaceuticals, the Cowan Vertebrate Museum, the Vancouver Aquarium, and UBC's Centre for Blood Research. Follow Michelle on Twitter @AlbinoMouse
Recent Activity
Good points - Science 2.0 is not only about open access any more than Web 2.0 was just about blogs. I guess open access is the topic I am most drawn to, being interested in the computer science aspect of biological research!
Science 2.0: Time to throw open the laboratory doors?
by Michelle Ly Almost three years ago, Scientific American asked if we were entering an age of Science 2.0. Would science now be conducted in the open access realm –- freely publishing data, drafts and even whole papers? The economic cost of academic publishing has long been considered unsustai...
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Apr 26, 2010
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