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scott davis
Eastern Caribbean
Husband, Father, Friend, Adventurer, Consultant, Storyteller
Interests: Helping people make better decisions
Recent Activity
Who's in charge? It's not always clear. And, that is a problem. Jobs are hyper-specialized. So, "in-charge of Task 123" usually is pretty clear. But, it's not so clear on the special projects, the innovation initiatives, the cross-functional process improvement... Continue reading
We see this same bizarre contradiction in business-technology adoption. The latest area: social/collaboration tools in the enterprise. On the one hand, every CIO demands a product show that it will be 10x better than the current method of operation, "otherwise users won't adopt it, as everyone knows.' On the other hand, the line executives want tools that fit into current processes "because the product should bend to fit us." It sounds like the kid yelling that the emperor has no clothes, but seriously: there are no 10x improvements available (via technology or otherwise) that won't necessitate process change. It's not a technology problem. It's a problem of incentives and imagination.
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Vladimir Nabokov said great writing is "a merging of the precision of poetry and the intuition of science.” A few days ago, I had a dream. It seemed very strange, because people and things from one part of my life... Continue reading
One of the lessons of life that I’ve been learning lately is that execution does NOT flow naturally from preparation. Actually, the more you prepare, probably the HARDER it is to move on to DOING. Here’s what I’m experiencing lately... Continue reading
“Let me show you what our product can do with your data.” Ugh. Don’t get me wrong, I love data analysis as much as the next guy, and our product has great features for slicing/dicing/ computing/ visualizing data. But, I... Continue reading
My new friend Huguette has been studying up on her English with a book called Vrais Amis et Faux Amis. In English, that's "true friends and false friends." Now, this book is not about friendship; it's about words. Specifically, it's... Continue reading
Collaboration is not additive, it is multiplicative. This sounds sort of math-geeky, but it’s actually some pretty simple logic – and it provides a very nice scheme for thinking about how a group is more than the sum of the... Continue reading
If you are a leader of a growing business, you spend a lot of time recruiting and assimilating new team members. I hope to share a few ideas in this post to help you get a better return on your... Continue reading
Societies have always been shaped more by the nature of the media by which men communicate than by the content of the communication. Media, by altering the environment, evoke in us unique ratios of sense perceptions (seeing, hearing, etc). The... Continue reading
Improvisation is the way to wonder, and wonder is contagious. Everyone loves to uncover something amazing, something startling. And to share it with others. Human beings' natural state is looking for the wonder in life. By bringing many disciplines, facts,... Continue reading
I get asked often to define this term of Collaborative Intelligence that we started using a couple of years ago. As I’ve said on my blog, I am a little wary of labels and categories. So, I’ll simply convey what... Continue reading
I like people who see the world differently. They are more entertaining, and they are also more helpful -- nudging my brain in novel ways. One of my most different-seeing friends is a wonderful artist by the name of Joel... Continue reading
I just finished the excellent book The Wave by Susan Casey, and this morning a seed from the book sprouted in my mind. Casey interviews several Hawaiians about the sea and the surf, and they all talk about not the... Continue reading
For a few days in March, I lived on a beach in an uninhabited bay on the north shore of Hiva Oa in the Marquesas of French Polynesia. Talk about a simple life: sleep, eat, watch nature, repeat. One of... Continue reading
I’ve been on a sabbatical of sorts for a while. It’s been eye-opening. As part of that, I spent 5 weeks solo in Polynesia in 1Q11. Amazing. Primitive. Quiet. Really quiet. Like that old Indigo Girls song says, “the lightness... Continue reading
scott davis has shared their blog CircaSpecting: People, Tech, and Business
Apr 28, 2011
I do now. Thanks for the suggestion.
In his June 6 NYT editorial, Frank Rich calls out the President for being too deferential to committees, teams, experts, bureaucracies, incumbent interests. Rich takes the President to task for being unwilling to step out boldly and set a firm... Continue reading
A few years ago, the web was a monologue forum. Website-owners created stuff, and everyone else looked at it. Then, a crazy thing happened: users were given create/upload/edit priveleges. Suddenly, we had a Read-Write Web, instead of a Read-only Web.... Continue reading
scott davis is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Re: [CircaSpecting: People, Tech, and Business] submitted a comment to D-day Plan for Enterprise 2.0 Mark, Thanks for chiming in. I read your post, an its right on: enterprises like to measure stuff, so ent2 activities absolutely must be measured and reported. So, lets call that Analyzing Ent 2 Activity. Now, what about Ent2-ing Analytical Work? Thoughts? Scott Davis Lyzasoft, Inc.