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Scott Gould
Exeter, UK
Recent Activity
Love the way you've built on this and added so much to it. Great stuff
10 Key Stats from the Optix Solutions Social Media Survey 2010 (UK)
Share| On Monday, I came across one this tweet from Chris Brogan: @Chrisbrogan: I helped with this social media survey, if you're interested in the results - That is how I found out about the interesting Social Media Survey 2010 from Optix Solutions in the UK. Contributo...
Thanks John - we look forward to getting you back sometime in the future!
Events: Like Minds Conference in Exeter UK Oct 28-29
At the beginning of the year, I established some key guidelines for selecting which events I would speak at or attend. The Like Minds event fit the bill. Truth-be-told, it was a bit of a wildcard and I did not know if it would turn out well until I actually went. Turns out it was a great experie...
Thanks for this - very, very useful!
How to Reproduce the Old Spice Video Phenomena
Oh, you know its going to happen, brand marketers left and right asking their teams to "get me some of that Old Spice" social media magic. This recent campaign will be another benchmark of social media achievement. I know this because CNN (CNN International, actually) interviewed me on Friday to...
Yeah, it is.
Social Media is F**king Addicitve
If you haven't seen it already, the third installment of the infamous slideshow, "What The F**ck Is Social Media?" has been published over at Slideshare by Marta Kagan. Since I'm a sucker for good visual communication or any good communication for that matter. I highly recommend flipping thr...
Scott Gould added a favorite at Conversation Agent - Valeria Maltoni
Jul 20, 2010
Of course, the point is that by being transparently unauthentic, it is actually authentic.
Read Pine and Gilmore's "Authenticity" for exceptional stuff on this.
Old Spice YouTube Videos - Transparently Unauthentic
Have you seen the new Old Spice campaign? The commercials feature a shirtless man making fun of himself and the brand by placing himself in startling and romantic situations, scenes include riding a horse, diving into a hot tube only to have the tub collapse and reveal he is sitting on a moto...
I saw this earlier this week but didn't watch all the way through - thanks for sharing this because now I have!
The viral power of raw emotions
On Saturday night, Anthony showed me a video on YouTube he'd heard about that day. It wasn't anything spectacular, just a double rainbow. The shot was shaky, and the focus jumped around a little. It was a nice video of a double rainbow, but we've seen these nature shots before. At the time, t...
Thanks for this - nice to suddenly see myself here!
This month's tables are all below. It's been a while since we last did one of these. They take a while I spose and, well, we've been busy of late. Anyway, we will try and make sure that we're updating these tables more frequently henceforth. For those who may be interested, this chart is based ...
I'm just more concerned about Ted running a church, period.
Re: in-home - sure, home groups / cells / life groups / community groups / home church - new name for something that has been around since the book of Acts.
Certainly, throwing everything else our in favour of something new is just imbalance.
Ted and Gayle Haggard and their In-Home Church
Speaking of house church, as I have been in the past few blog posts, you may not have heard the phrase "in-home church" before . . . but . . . apparently . . . Ted and Gayle Haggard have one and just incorporoated it under the name St James. I wish them the best. Come to think of it, the Queen ...
If you're an expert, you don't need to say so.
I think that's how I view it..
Bored with this social media expert thing
On 29 May 1953 at the age of 33, Sir Edmund Hillary and Tenzing Norgay became the first climbers known to have reached the summit of Mount Everest. But Hillary had much experience of other mountains that included various attempts on Everest. "Failing" to reach the summit is a vital part of ...
Thanks for this Tim. Seems we're all feeling this. Who dares to go first and start behaving differently - namely, by no pumping out loads of content?
SXSW '10 Notes: Be generously helpful to succeed
(Photo by Nikki Smith Morgan, Public Words) Last Saturday I was in the center-of-the-social-universe: SXSW Interactive. Bloggers, Tweeters, Developers, Ad Pros, Luminaries and Snark Super Stars were all in Austin to celebrate another year of phenomenal growth in social media. With Austin's ...
Say it, Tim. Tough, but true.
I had the pleasure of spending a lot of time with Chris Brogan a few weeks ago. He taught me blogging strategy at a whole new level. There was clear intent behind each thing that he wrote.
I find too many of us (particularly those who are not well known bloggers) are changing their strategies all the time to mirror the latest new idea that they pick up. We lack the focus and restraint that is required for greatness.
I'm trying to do the same as you Tim. There is no need for me to write a lot of new content. What I need to do is help people ACT on what they know - and connect them with other like minded individuals who can collaborate with them.
Using social media with intent
Your network = your net worth. This is a mantra of mine. Many of us are producing social media (blog postings, videos, tweets and updates) to build a network of followers that we can help, market to and ultimately have a relationship with. Along the way, we try out a variety of different conte...
Yep yep yep! I wrote about it myself two days ago.
One guy was saying to me "I hope so and so got my tweet" - I was like, "phone???"
Stay in touch
Last week an old friend rang me on my cell phone to catch up. It was the third time he'd called. "Dude, what's up with you?," he wondered. "We are really out of touch, I've called you several times!" "Man, I've been swamped," I told him. "Writing a new book, blogging, tweeting, you know - all...
Sure. So disclaimers are necessary when you writing on behalf of.
but a generic account - people don't care.
7 Degrees Of Agency Transparency In Social Media
Toby Bloomberg and I recently authored the agency transparency post where we had a great discussion around the topic what level of agency transparency should exist for client social media websites. There were two camps 1) total transparency, and 2) degrees of transparency. I just went through a...
John I think those 7 have some harmony.
A large part depends, as the degrees say, on whether there is outsourced management for a brand/organisation or if it is an individual. Of course, many individuals are brands in their own right.
I've got a lot to say on the subject, as I carry out some management where we upfront say we are acting 'on behalf of', where as other times the client and the situation requires us to be like an annexed part of their organisation, and so there is no line between them and us.
This seamless kind of integration is stronger, I think, because end users don't care who they are talking to. If you have the brand logo, you are the brand. End of story.
Case in point: Eurostar. No one cared that the Twitter account being managed by We Are Social was 'on behalf of'. They had the brand, and should act accordingly.
7 Degrees Of Agency Transparency In Social Media
Toby Bloomberg and I recently authored the agency transparency post where we had a great discussion around the topic what level of agency transparency should exist for client social media websites. There were two camps 1) total transparency, and 2) degrees of transparency. I just went through a...
John, I agree with you totally. I'm having to deal with this junk all day.
I've developed a large number of models and frameworks detailing strategy and integration, yet many are happy to go with the hack-job you describe above, and then get mad when it fails.
The Eurostar debacle around Christmas time proves that Social Media cannot be peice-meal - it must have deep company integration.
When is a Social Media Strategy Not A Strategy
A self-promoting headline from the trades last week claimed a coffee brand in the UK "develops first social media strategy." Here's how they describe the "strategy:" "To target students and give the campaign an anti-corporate feeling, the brand will launch simple games on Facebook illustrated ...
Thanks for this Tim
A few minutes with Seth Godin @ TED
Yesterday, I ran into Seth Godin at the TED Conference in Long Beach. As usual, he was generous and brilliant. He's one of our nation's gems and IMHO the best marketing/life/business blogger in the world. We hung out, chewed the fat and talked about the history of the self-help movement. ...
I agree with this.
I wrote a little while ago about 'connections vs community', and the idea that we need to focus less on building width and more on depth.
Social Media makes it easy to attain width. Depth requires work.
When Seth talked about having lots of friends and followers on social networks being meaningless, he said that they were because they wouldn't write the cheque when you needed it - they would just read your content. I agree. Therefore we need deep connections to get that type of buy in.
Less Networks. More Meaning.
Here's what I observed this past week after scanning the reactions of people in my own networks in relation to Google Buzz. People in my own ecosystem seem utterly exhausted by the plethora of networks they manage and the number of people within those networks. E-mail, Facebook, Twitter, Yamm...
Hey John
Thanks for this. I'm studying Authenticity at the moment, so this is helpful.
My agency carries out Social Media management that is outsourced to us - so we have issues along these lines of authenticity and transparency. Whilst there are many ideals, we also have to be frank about the growth of outsourced Social Media and how brands can use it.
I like these 7 points. They appreciate reality, and in my mind, work.
7 Degrees Of Agency Transparency In Social Media
Toby Bloomberg and I recently authored the agency transparency post where we had a great discussion around the topic what level of agency transparency should exist for client social media websites. There were two camps 1) total transparency, and 2) degrees of transparency. I just went through a...
I wrote a similar thing today that the SOcial Media world - despite the mantra - is just not flat.
The Social Web is Not Flat
In less than 24 hours, I will be boarding a plane bound for Mumbai to present at the NASSCOM conference called NASSCOM India Leadership where I'll be on a panel on NGO and Social Media as well as lead a discussion at an unconference on whether CEO/Executive Director's should use social media....
Hey John
We're thrilled to be welcoming you to Like Minds. Can't wait!
Thanks again for your time on the phone.
My Event Strategy Starts With: We Are Like Minds - UK
While my colleague, Thomas Crampton, winds down his annual pilgrimmage to Davos (see some of his coverage here), I am planning out my next event - keynoting at an unusual conference/summit/workshop in Exeter, England called We Are Like Minds. Every year, I re-evaluate conference and meeting oppo...
Very good - "in charge, not in control"
I've been writing about the same thing, pointing out that an increase in spreadability of ideas requires 'guidance not governance', and that the fear of social media for many companies is this very issue of not being able to 'govern' or 'control' it.
I'll be linking here!
Why We Delegate: The Darkness Principle
From a complexity perspective, there is a good reason why teams in an organization must be able to make decisions together. This follows logically from the Darkness Principle: Each element in the system is ignorant of the behavior of the system as a whole [...] If each element ‘knew’ what was...
Al, such a good article.
Michelle - I understand your point, but for me, all the brands that I stick with is because I love them.
Brand Building And The Love Strategy
"Love" has become a key ingredient in many marketing programs. Some recent rallying cries: • "Get consumers to fall in love with our brand." • "Reach their hearts as well as their minds." • "Create intimate, emotional connections. Smother them with attention and affection." Does "love" work i...
Ed, great real post.
We need leaders who get down and dirty and talk about what leadership really is in the church today.
Thank you.
The Toughest 10%
It’s one of the most difficult things for any leader to do. It’s not very popular, but it’s very necessary. It’s moving people out. And as leaders in the church, we cannot be shy about it. Over the last ten years, Fellowship Church has tried to do just that. It’s a principle that Jack Welch cal...
Al, whole thing is a great article - but my biggest take away was the study of 2nd place brands.
That information is invaluable - thank you.
Building A Brand vs. Building A Business
Are you building a business? Or are you building a brand? Silly questions, you might be thinking. Naturally, you are trying to do both. But that might be a mistake. What's good for the business is not necessarily good for the brand. And vice versa. What's a brand anyway? It's a word that stan...
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