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Glen - loved your comments about separating the trouble makers - any good project manager can see them coming. I recently was managing a project with a third party integration and the third party vendor assigned a new resource. He was the rudest person I have ever seen on a conference call - constantly interrupting and dismissing/discrediting both my project resources as well as the paying client's resources. To your point, I addressed it head on, asked his manager (a Director level project sponsor) to remove him immediately from the project... always second guessing myself I was unsure if I made the right decision. Within the hour the client called and made the same request of me to have that resource removed. I saw the trouble coming and dealt with it head on, saving time and aggravation by both my team and the client's. Great post - whole heartedly agree.
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Scotthelle is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 16, 2015