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Scowling is now following Sassmouth Sisters
Dec 10, 2012
My dog was abandoned and rescued some months later, after nearly starving to death. She's been with us three years now, and she is still very food defensive. I wouldn't expect her to get over the memory of being hungry for so long, and I don't think she will. I know that some people have success training that out of dogs, but it can be very hard.
Classic Marko. Also, questions for the dog people.
Me: I don't know what is wrong with Fluffy* lately, she is acting like such a grumpy old bitch. Marko (under his breath): Sounds familiar Me: She keeps snapping and growling at Shelley, I feel so sorry for her Marko (mumbles): I can relate Me: Maybe it is hormonal. Do you think it will help ...
Yeah, does it need to be 'something' you do? Can you not just snuggle up on the couch and watch her favorite movie? Or maybe go for a walk or a milkshake? Quality time is one of my love languages, and all I want from my husband is just to snuggle on the couch and chat.
Finding the balance, filling their love tanks
Parenting is not for the fainthearted, that is for sure. Out of everything I have done in my life, motherhood is by far the hardest thing I have ever done (it is of course, also the best, most rewarding thing I have ever done, but DAMN it's tough sometimes). Just when you think you've gotten a ...
If he's hitting for attention, that might tell you something. I know that you're very driven and busy, and maybe he feels that he isn't getting a large enough share of your attention and love. Have you tried giving him extra one on one time? Maybe like you did with Kate and Adam, a day or just an afternoon all for him and you, and maybe one with him and Marko. You have a big busy family, and I can see how he might feel lost in the shuffle, even if he really isn't.
What to do when your child is a hitter?
In order to prevent Max from being the first Albertyn to be expelled from (play) school, I need some parenting / professional advice please. My dear beloved child, the one who was such a sweet little baby, has turned into a bloody naughty little boy. Who hits other children. And it is stressi...
Scowling is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 25, 2010
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