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Kimberley A Hodges
Recent Activity
Kimberley A Hodges is now following The Typepad Team
Mar 15, 2010
Hey, Vicky - just click on it and it should expand for you!! Kim
Bind-It-All 9" x 9" Acrylic Raffle Box
I just love the way this display for our booth turned out. It's a 9" x 9" acrylic box made with five pieces of Zutter acrylic (there are two in a package, so if you wanted to make one, you need three packages). You punch holes with the Bind-It-All in the sides and bottoms and then tie it toget...
Hey, Jen - I will be teaching it at the Scrapbook Expo in Orlando, too!
A Taste of Scraptique Part Deux
We're so happy that you guys are excited about another year of A Taste of Scraptique! We will be teaching all new layouts this year and "kicking it up a notch". This is geared toward the advanced paper crafting artist and is VERY VERY fast paced. The good news is that we have purchased a digi...
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