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Sean McGee Music
Sean world
Former lead guitarist with UK metal band, now an ElectroTango artist and dancer
Interests: Tango, Music, Dance, Film
Recent Activity
Sean McGee Music is now following Adam
Jun 6, 2010
Just back from a private dance lesson with milonga techniques to practice!
It's amazing how much more positive I now feel.
Bring it on ;-)
Milonga issues!
It is very clear to me that 5 months dancing argentine tango is not enough to be able to attend a crowded milonga! Even though we had a great evening, I've left feeling frustrated and have 3 left feet! We're taking an exam in a weeks time which is based around a salon/nuevo type style but once t...
Sean McGee Music is now following Account Deleted
Jun 6, 2010
Milonga issues!
It is very clear to me that 5 months dancing argentine tango is not enough to be able to attend a crowded milonga! Even though we had a great evening, I've left feeling frustrated and have 3 left feet! We're taking an exam in a weeks time which is based... Continue reading
Posted Jun 6, 2010 at SeanMcGeeMusic blog
Sean McGee Music is now following The Typepad Team
Jun 6, 2010
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