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Sean O'Malley
San Francisco, Ca
Interests: Saturday morning soccer dad, weekend golf hacker, alternative music lover, international travel.
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May 4, 2009
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May 4, 2009
Great stuff Leland. I've been working on a post that articulates exactly what you've commented on. The basic gist is that Lead Gen/CPA is where the action is. I'll pull together my thoughts and post something soon.
Toggle Commented Feb 27, 2009 on Ad Based Startups -- Bad Idea? at Infectious
1 reply
Ryan, You can almost always move downstream from a premium model to a freemium model. Is it worth it? It depends. As I mentioned, the 'free' part of freemium should be thought of as a marketing cost. It brings in users that might not have otherwise tried your product. It's an opportunity to get them engaged while also getting more 'buzz' for your product. However, the trick is what you provide the free users vs. the premium users. In other words, you don't want to give away what your 'Must Have' audience values. Bottom line, you need to know who your premium audience is and what they value so you don't mistakingly give it away when you move downstream.
Toggle Commented Dec 17, 2008 on Will Freemium save Web 2.0? at Infectious
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