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You Sell Like a Second Grader
Sales coach
Recent Activity
Yeah, that is a clueless sales manager. Rather than teach you applicable skills, he thinks making you memorize will work. It really doesn't. Research proves it! My book is just about done and there's a chapter all about this. If you would like a copy just email me your address at [email protected]
Car Salesman Cold Call
You have to love car salespersons. They try very hard at a very hard job. What's unfortunate is many of them get little, no, or even worse bad direction from their sales managers. A very good friend of mine is general manager at a luxury car dealership. He doesn't hire salespeople from other car...
Cracking the Bat
I don't know much about baseball. But I do know that it is an incredibly intricate, complicated and tough sport. Watching my son, Wyatt try to get his first hit in live pitch baseball really drove it home. And getting a hit is a lot like getting a sale. Continue reading
Posted Apr 20, 2011 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
Stay calm, stay calm, on second thought panic!
The panic button sits on my desk. And its a fantastic reminder that in sales staying calm is the way to go, even if you want to panic! This is especially true when you are waiting for a contract. Continue reading
Posted Apr 8, 2011 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
You Sell Like a Second Grader is now following jbazemore
Apr 7, 2011
You Sell Like a Second Grader is now following A Beautiful Mess
Apr 1, 2011
You Sell Like a Second Grader is now following Editwizard
Apr 1, 2011
You Sell Like a Second Grader is now following David Steel
Apr 1, 2011
You Sell Like a Second Grader is now following Account Deleted
Apr 1, 2011
You Sell Like a Second Grader is now following Account Deleted
Apr 1, 2011
You Sell Like a Second Grader is now following Account Deleted
Apr 1, 2011
You Sell Like a Second Grader is now following Account Deleted
Apr 1, 2011
If you love somebody set them free
Working on a deal? Just who do you trust? Please say your prospect. Because if you don't, you may lose the deal. And you know what they say:if you love somebody set them free. Continue reading
Posted Apr 1, 2011 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
Damn Lies and Statistics
Got a hot prospect you can't wait to close? Hit them with some great stats from the latest case study, white paper or report! That will convince them. Convince them to not buy from you! Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2011 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
You are welcome. Thanks for reading.
The Slimy Close
One of the joys of being in a sales leadership role is all the cold calls you get. Slap VP on the end of your name and BAM! cold call central. Cold calls are a fascinating (perhaps sick) interest of mine. Truth is I think most salespeople are horrible at them no matter by phone, letters or ema...
They are so good! And Marlow is a great lady.
Sweet Revenge
Yeah, I know, last blog I wrote about Complex Donuts and now, yummy cupcakes and beer! But this is about Sweet Revenge, so deal with it! :-) Revenge can be sweet, can't it? Especially when its against a crappy sales environment and an abusive boss. Maybe you have seen the Chase Ink commerici...
You got fired. Here's why.
You hear it time and time again. The hardest thing to do is find and keep good salespeople. There's lots of implications to "find and keep good sales people." Let's focus on the "good" part. Want the truth about why you or a colleague got fired from a sales job? Read on. Continue reading
Posted Mar 8, 2011 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
Time Flies When Your Head is Up Your Ass
It's been a few long weeks since I blogged. Bad blogger! The sales team has been slammed, so at least its for a good reason. Naturally it wasn't surprising when I found out a grand total of ZERO people read my blog the past few days. Time flies when your head is up your ass and you don't do anything! Then how come so many salespeople do nothing and expect to get something?
Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2011 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
Thanks Tim! Yeah, not sugar coating has been a double/edge sword in my career for sure. Look forward to reading your post.
Compliment Your Competitor
How many times have you called someone you know works with a competitor? Lot's right? Well, how many times have you slammed that competitor in your initial conversation with the prospect? That's what I thought! If you wonder why you don't close many of them its because you didn't follow a golden...
Is Pharma Really Sales?
A few weeks ago, one of my best friends called me. He was frustrated about his pharmaceutical sales job, particularly the way the company calculated “sales”. It has finally pushed him to seriously consider another gig. Truth is I have seen lots of pharma reps apply for sales positions I have. None of them have been able to change belief of mine. Pharma is not sales. Can you convince me? Continue reading
Posted Jan 6, 2011 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
It does work, Donald! I will absolutely check out your site. Thanks so much for reading.
Let's Be Honest
One of the coolest things about writing articles is the surprise of which ones "take off." Yesterday's post, Are You Checking In? about how silly it is for salespeople to "just check in" was the most popular ever. One of my best friends, Bobby who happens to be the GM of a luxury car dealership ...
Compliment Your Competitor
How many times have you called someone you know works with a competitor? Lot's right? Well, how many times have you slammed that competitor in your initial conversation with the prospect? That's what I thought! If you wonder why you don't close many of them its because you didn't follow a golden rule for second graders: if you don't have something nice to say, don't say anything at all. Continue reading
Posted Dec 14, 2010 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
What's Your Carrot?
As salespeople we are trained to figure out a prospect's "hot button." Just what will make them buy? Yesterday, I realized that a bigger question is: what makes you sell? What is the "carrot" that makes you pull the donkey cart of sales? Continue reading
Posted Nov 24, 2010 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
Getting Dirty with Interns
My second grade son understands the concept of chores. Do them and he gets an allowance. But "do" is a relative term. He has an endless array of methods to whittle down his actual work load while still expecting full pay. It reminds me of what salespeople ask for and do everyday, like get dirty with interns. Continue reading
Posted Nov 16, 2010 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
Let's Be Honest
One of the coolest things about writing articles is the surprise of which ones "take off." Yesterday's post, Are You Checking In? about how silly it is for salespeople to "just check in" was the most popular ever. One of my best friends, Bobby who happens to be the GM of a luxury car dealership told me, "I used to call and just ask if they want to buy something yet so I could make a commission." Honesty. What a novel thought. Continue reading
Posted Nov 11, 2010 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
Are You "Checking In?"
The car salesman strikes again. Last time one inspired me to write "Car Salesman Cold Call." This latest guy made me realize just how silly it sounds to tell a prospect you are "checking in." Bet you say that, too. What does "just checking in" mean anyway? Have you ever stopped to think about it? Continue reading
Posted Nov 10, 2010 at You Sell Like A Second Grader
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