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This one time THE.Dave.Matthews. @'d me, and I thought I could die happily, but I think I could really die happily if YOU @wilw @'d ME @secretagentmama, or sent me a picture collating pictures, too. But, for now, I'll accept that you did this for Jenny. Because Jenny is the BOMB!
this is for @thebloggess
I like when people can realize they've made a mistake. Shows good character, IMO.
Great job here.
Writing Challenge #1: Character - Senior Moment
This is part of a writing challenge at {W}rite-Of-Passage, a community of bloggers who are looking to get back to the writing part of blogging and brainchild of my friend, Mrs. Flinger. Today’s challenge was to find a person in public and write a story around them. --------------------------...
Secretagentmama is now following The Typepad Team
Dec 9, 2009
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