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I’m having the same issue. I think, if you spend money on this game, maybe then you get rare items. I don’t know, but, definitely it is so frustrating.
A Lovely Farewell
Eddie, on his usual adventures, discovers a lost letter of Pike's grandfather written many years ago. Homesick, Pike decides to leave the farm to take over his grandfather's shipyard which he had given to Pike. Trish and the other farmhands, who have grown to love Pike through the years, decide ...
I got stuck on phase 4. Its been more than a week, I dont get zucchini blossom anywhere. Even when I get one in like 3 days, and try to craft recipe, it says I don’t have Zucchini blossoms. So frustrating :((. Second, it never connects to my FB account, I cannot add farmers. Is it because I’m not spending money on this game???? I was loving playing this game but deleting soon :((
A Lovely Farewell
Eddie, on his usual adventures, discovers a lost letter of Pike's grandfather written many years ago. Homesick, Pike decides to leave the farm to take over his grandfather's shipyard which he had given to Pike. Trish and the other farmhands, who have grown to love Pike through the years, decide ...
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Even the most talented farmers can use a helping hand from time to time. Whether it's some extra water or another plow to harvest your crops, a great Neighbor can make all the difference when you're having a tough day on the farm. Now that Co-ops have been released, it's more important than ...
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Feb 15, 2018
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