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San Francisco, CA
Recent Activity
Hey, Thom! Can you please email me on alexandra[at]seesmic[dot]com so we can have more details on the issue which you're having? Thanks!
Hi Steve, you can find the pages you admin under the Facebook entry in the left sidebar and the little wheel next to the facebook button in the composer when you post
Thank you, Vincent, we look forward to a great event. Liza Sperling / @lizasperling Director of Corporate Relationships, Seesmic
Toggle Commented Mar 28, 2011 on Bonjour, Social Media Management Day at Seesmic Blog
Hello, Bertus! Can you please email me on alexandra [at] seesmic [dot] com? Thank you and keep me posted on this. Alexandra
Hi, how long ago did you post? should take up to 10 min has it been longer than this? can you email me here and we can follow up - christine at seesmic dot com. thanks for your patience.
Glad to hear this! If you do encounter the message again when trying to start SD 2 can you refer to the workaround steps here: This is just a workaround but our team is working on a fix for this and we'll be sure to keep you updated on this. Thanks.
We just pushed an update to resolve this issue. If you haven't done so already, go ahead restart the SD 2 application and you should receive the update. Thanks.
Hi, Looks like our team just pushed an update to resolve this issue. Please restart SD 2 and you should be able to update SD 2. Thanks!
Interesting, thanks for the comment. I don't really see the resemblance, but perhaps it's there!
Toggle Commented Dec 6, 2010 on Gets a Facelift at Seesmic Blog
Toggle Commented Dec 3, 2010 on Hello, world at Seesmic Design Test
Another comment.
Toggle Commented Dec 3, 2010 on Hello, world at Seesmic Design Test
testing this thing
Toggle Commented Dec 3, 2010 on Hello, world at Seesmic Design Test
Hi, Thanks for reporting this. Have you already tried to delete seesmic and re-download the newest version from the app store? If the issue is still occurring can you go ahead and submit a help ticket here: One of our support advocates will follow up with this issue. For immediate support, please send us a message on twitter at @askseesmic Hope we can get Seesmic working again for you very soon. Thanks for your patience and support!
merci Sophie et Jacques
Seesmic is now following Loïc Le Meur
Apr 26, 2010