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Sue May
Miami, FL
A bookworm's life of crafty revelry
Interests: road trips w/my bf, diy projects, sewing, crocheting granny squares, finding neat antiques for my home, writing poetry, and reading recipe books.
Recent Activity
Yes, I did do the back loops. Do two extra rows of white at the end of a single crochet for the border. Thanks!
Yes, I worked the back loops. Thanks for visiting my blog!
Hi there, there is a free pattern for the chevron blanket that I posted here. Just click on that link and it'll take to the pattern.
This giveaway is for all my lovely teachers! I'm giving away these sweet sock monkey hall passes (made from cotton fabric/ size - 7.5x3.5) to 1 lucky teacher. Here's how to participate: 1 - Visit my TPT store. 2 - Pin any of my items to your Pinterest board or... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2015 at One Stitch Two Stitch
Sue May added a favorite at A Beautiful Mess
Jan 26, 2015
Sue May added a favorite at Oui, Chef
Nov 29, 2014
Yes, so good!
Toggle Commented Nov 8, 2014 on Poor Gal's Monkey Bread at One Stitch Two Stitch
Sue May added a favorite at Just Make Stuff
Oct 22, 2014
Congratulations AMarie! Thanks for visiting my blog!
Sue May added a favorite at Oui, Chef
Oct 14, 2014
Thanks so much!
Sue May added a favorite at Posie Gets Cozy
Oct 3, 2014
Sue May added a favorite at Oui, Chef
Sep 27, 2014
When I thought about setting up the nursery for my little one, I knew two things going in: 1) I was on a budget and 2) I wanted to make the room as personalized as possible. Ikea was, of course, my best option for nursery furniture while Pinterest was, of... Continue reading
Posted Sep 10, 2014 at One Stitch Two Stitch
I really love any dessert with blueberries. This is a nice recipe. When I bake my blueberry pie I use orange juice instead of lemon juice and use as a thickener a couple of tablespoons of dry yellow cake mix and then just cut back on the sugar. Tastes crazy good! You should try it!
Toggle Commented Aug 28, 2014 on Zesty Blueberry Pie at A Beautiful Mess
I really love the prints!
Toggle Commented Aug 18, 2014 on FreshBib to the Rescue: A Giveaway at Smile And Wave
Thanks so much!!
Toggle Commented Aug 9, 2014 on Tree Trimmings! at One Stitch Two Stitch
Sue May added a favorite at A Beautiful Mess
Aug 1, 2014
Sue May added a favorite at A Beautiful Mess
Jul 22, 2014
It came out beautiful Elise. Looks like something you'd find in an upscale art gallery. You are very talented!
1 reply
During my summer vacation, I've been slowly working on some handmade decor for the baby's room. I really wanted to make a decorative letter for her room and as always Pinterest is a great resource. I decided to give it a weathered look and used what I had in my... Continue reading
Posted Jul 3, 2014 at One Stitch Two Stitch
I like the idea of eggplant "meatball." Is it possible though to bake these rather than fry them?
Toggle Commented Jun 26, 2014 on Crispy Eggplant Parmesan Subs at A Beautiful Mess
Sue May added a favorite at Oui, Chef
Jun 3, 2014
I'm a teacher and that happens to me a lot. Getting parents to RSVP for events, field trips, etc is a daunting task. I feel your pain!
Toggle Commented May 30, 2014 on RSVP... at Just Make Stuff
1 reply