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Selena Monet
Recent Activity
I hope that you're car gets fixed. I had to sit in the back of a police car once too. One time my mom accidentally drove into a snow bank and someone called the police before my dad could come pull the car out. And the police man made us sit in the back of the car until my mom convinced him that it was okay and my dad would come get us out.
More Proof I Can't Have Nice Things
Oh... my... goodness... For the second time in my life, I had my car just stop in the middle of the road. The first time was in Connecticut about five years ago. I had a 1993 Ford Taurus that I had bought for just 700 dollars. I was going to Three Rivers Community College, lived with my dad, an...
I think that's a cool idea!
Second Book Project
Well, next Monday is when our second book project is due and once again I have fallen victim to that dastardly disease... procrastination. I think it was two weeks ago when we went around in class and presented our book concepts. So many people had good ideas and everyone around me seems so... ...
Selena Monet is now following Account Deleted
Sep 23, 2010
Selena Monet has shared their blog The Adventures of the Purple Frog and Blue Penguin
Sep 5, 2010
Selena Monet is now following Account Deleted
Sep 4, 2010
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