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Chemistry Major in her senior year and SArmy Member #65
Recent Activity
What is there to say? Zach, you are a true inspiration. Your courage and empathy is so refreshing to see in these days. I hope many take after your lead.
Stay strong. Love and support you always,
10.16.11. nyc...
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Sep 7, 2011
Oh, definitely! I think making prints and helping Operation Smile is a great idea. =)
Mr. Murder is Dead - Comic Con Panels: Some of you...
Mr. Murder is Dead - Comic Con Panels: Some of you have contacted Brent, the artist, about getting the panel art where he re-worked the page to add ZQ. I have worked out a deal to get a limited number of prints. Anyone interested? We have the choice between just printing them and sending them out...
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jul 27, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 9, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 9, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 9, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 9, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 9, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 9, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 9, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jun 9, 2011
Selestina118 shared a video on YouTube
at Zachary Quinto
May 27, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 24, 2011
That was Corey. =) I know at least one person who got there late. He was able to snag the last signed copy of the book for a friend.
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Oh, that's a good shot! =D
@DobbyJunior I believe you heard right . . . I think it's listed as such on the BTD website.
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That means that this might have been one of the pics that Stephen Christy took this afternoon. =) He was taking a pic here and there.
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It's legit - these auctions are directly from NBC!
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Yay! Nice, Seaz! I saw Wicked a few years ago and it was AMAZING!! =D
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Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 14, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
May 14, 2011
Selestina118 added a link at Zachary Quinto
Jan 28, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 24, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 24, 2011
Selestina118 added a favorite at Zachary Quinto
Jan 24, 2011
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