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zeyan hashim
Vancouver BC Canada
Zeyan hashim is an exponent of gems, collector of rare gems & minerals, author, naturalist and a philanthropist pursuing a challenging goal of educating the world.
Recent Activity
Chronicles of Sri Lankan Moors
The Muslims of Sri Lanka have been an intrinsic part of Sri Lankan community since the advent of Islam and the exploration of Arab, Indian, Persian and other Muslim traders to the Island. Sri Lanka has been known by many names, the island was called Serendib in Arabic which indicates... Continue reading
Posted Mar 20, 2012 at zeyan hashim's blog
Humanity’s Footprint
Alone with myself exploring the green canopy the call of nature makes me gaze in awe at her splendor. Despite the captivating beauty it renders trees provide a multitude of benefits to serve humanity and keep the environment balanced, it’s hard to imagine a life without trees. Forests serve humanity... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2012 at zeyan hashim's blog
Gem De Ceylon
During my wonder years, I used to walk on the sandy beds of river Mahawali collecting pebbles. As I searched for treasures among the stones, I was unaware that the island of Sri Lanka had been blessed with endless streams of precious gems. Today, whenever I hold a gem between... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2011 at zeyan hashim's blog
The Moaning Ocean
The enchanting ocean is our earth's divine natural resource. Gratify the senses and nourishing the spirit is a blessing of hers. A place of origin for most life, ocean is a home for all sorts of plants and animals. Mainly plants do not live in the deep dark waters of... Continue reading
Posted Dec 13, 2011 at zeyan hashim's blog
Revitalizing Nature’s Balance
Human species survive in the kingdom of nature; mankind is perpetually connected to it and totally benefited by the natural ecosystems of the earth and the ecosystem services they contribute.Humans have always been an immense dependent on forests to a lesser or greater degree. Trees have had a great leverage... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2011 at zeyan hashim's blog
Saga Desert and the seas were mum when odyssey commenced heading for a Serendib, caliphate thought a myth sandal streaked temple builders, mango orchards and the pearls of sea depth hasn’t deterred the progeny’s vision on a gem studded land across the sea lane, in midst of inhospitable mountains, intransigent... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2011 at zeyan hashim's blog
Passion of Gems Crossing the Borders of Serendib
Passion of Gems Crossing the Borders of Serendib The Lifelong Mission of Zeyan Hashim (Philanthropist, Rare Gem and Mineral Collector) Acknowledgements and Appreciations from Renowned Museums in Response to his Selfless Donations to Educate the World of the Awe-Inspiring Gifts of Nature Though we do have several nice gemstones from... Continue reading
Posted Nov 25, 2011 at zeyan hashim's blog
Foundation to a Chateau in the Sky
Your living is determined not so much by what life brings to you as by the attitude you bring to life; not so much by what happens to you as by the way your mind looks at what happens ~Kahlil Gibran In the beginning twists, turns, depths and drops weren’t... Continue reading
Posted Sep 19, 2010 at zeyan hashim's blog
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Sep 3, 2010
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