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Selwyn Duke
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Dear Robert, Thank you for responding. Well, you're nothing if not consistent. If you ever deviated from a Democrat talking point and espoused common sense, I think I'd have a major heart attack, heel over and die. I provided a link to a study indicating that the rate of non-citizen voting is unacceptably high. But, unfortunately, your mind isn't just closed — it's nailed shut. God bless, Selwyn Duke (P.S. — I understand you live in my county. Which posh town is it, Rob? AOC was in Yorktown Heights. Are you in Scarsdale? Whichever one it is, I hope you're taking some migrants into your home.)
1 reply
Dear April, Thank you for responding. Yes, I've long said that in 2016, the Democrats were caught flat-footed; they didn't grasp the magnitude of Trump's hidden support. They weren't going to make that mistake again in 2020 — and didn't. (I predicted before the 2020 election that Trump would lose and that vote fraud would be the reason.) I've also long said that it's unfathomable to think the Left won't replicate the 2020 election theft this year. They already know the drill, after all. And why wouldn't they? It's not as if they've had a road to Damascus moment. I hope that, by some miracle, Trump can still win. But I don't think the probability of that is high. God bless, Selwyn Duke
1 reply
Hi, TJ, Thank you for responding. You're cute. But the only position I'll accept is king. As for Shanahan, she's still a liberal. All that has happened is that she has realized that the media lied to her about MAGA supporters having horns. Let's hope, though, that she continues growing and reaches, to echo the terminology a priest once used, a higher "stage of conversion." God bless, Selwyn Duke
1 reply
Dear John, Thank you for responding. I have my facts very, very straight on this; in fact, I researched the subject years ago and wrote a long magazine essay about it. It's here: Remember that Hitler was a liar and would pose as a defender of Christianity (and as other things) when it was expeditious. But the Nazis absolutely were trying to destroy the faith. God bless, Selwyn Duke
1 reply
Dear TJ, Thanks again for responding. I must say, as I believe I've said before, that I find it hard to believe you read the article. I explained very clearly that we shouldn't ignore our culture's faults. In fact, what do I do for a living, TJ? I'm a social critic! My business is criticizing our culture and government. My message here, however, is different. First, we shouldn't be criticizing America based on left-wing measures and imperatives. Second, we should be like virtually every other nationality in one respect: We shouldn't feel compelled to issue an imperfection disclaimer every time we tout our civilization's accomplishments. And I explain why. Since you're clearly a smart fellow, I have to conclude that you either didn't read the piece or that you read it too quickly to apprehend the arguments. For what you infer is not at all what I, through the piece, imply (or say explicitly). God bless, Selwyn Duke
1 reply
By Selwyn Duke With schools often portraying America negatively today, critics of this indoctrination may warn that young children just aren’t capable of properly processing such information. And now a real-life example of this has been caught on video — one in which a little white boy is seen vowing... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By Hannah Grossman A senior Biden-appointed Pentagon official – Gil Cisneros – was forced to read and explain divisive statements against White people from one of his employees in a grilling hearing at the House Armed Services Committee Thursday. Cisneros – Under Secretary of Defense for Personnel and Readiness –... Continue reading
Posted Mar 24, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
This author, Jennifer Sinco Kelleher, does all she can to make a brutal beating of a white man in Hawaii seem understandable. Shameful. AP - Two Native Hawaiian men wouldn't have brutally beat a man if he wasn't white, a U.S. judge said Thursday in sentencing them to yearslong prison... Continue reading
Posted Mar 2, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By David L. Bernstein The highly partisan debate over whether critical race theory is being taught in public schools obscures a much more relevant question about whether schools should teach children what they tell the public they are teaching children. Unfortunately, some of what Montgomery County Public Schools and other... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By James Murphy The iconic comic strip Dilbert is being removed by hundreds of newspapers across America due to comments made by its creator, Scott Adams. In citing a Rasmussen poll concluding that 47 percent of black people either rejected or were unsure on the question of whether “it’s OK... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By Selwyn Duke A disturbing video shared on Twitter by Stew Peters shows a black nursing home worker viciously beating an elderly, wheelchair-bound white woman as an onlooker cheers her on and films the attack. The nursing home attack footage comes from Georgia and dates back to 2021, but is... Continue reading
Posted Feb 18, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By Greg Wehner A group of Springfield, Ohio, elementary school White students were allegedly threatened and assaulted after a group of Black students told them to say, "Black Lives Matter," or else, according to reports. The Springfield Police Department said an officer responded to Kenwood Elementary School just before 10:20... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By Selwyn Duke People have long lamented “bystander apathy,” as we make a motto of “See something, say something!” Yet it now appears the powers-that-be are demanding victim apathy. Of course, couple this with defunding and handcuffing the police, and the population will be held hostage by criminals until people... Continue reading
Posted Feb 16, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By Cortney Weil A California accountant is in custody on a murder charge after he allegedly ran over a doctor in a crosswalk and then stabbed the man to death. Around 3 p.m. on Wednesday, Michael Mammone, a 58-year-old emergency medicine physician, was riding his bike through the intersection of... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By Selwyn Duke Perhaps, as gubernatorial candidate Larry Elder (R-Calif.) was accused of having been, they’re the “black face of white supremacy.” What black cops are not, however, is a policing panacea that will bring peace to savage streets and end the law enforcement “war on blacks.” This isn’t just... Continue reading
Posted Feb 5, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By Janet Levy Slavery in America, typically associated with blacks from Africa, was an enterprise that began with the shipping of more than 300,000 white Britons to the colonies. This little known history is fascinatingly recounted in White Cargo (New York University Press, 2007). Drawing on letters, diaries, ship manifests,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 5, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
By Connor Stringer A leading university was under fire last night for telling students to have ‘hard conversations’ with friends and family who deny white privilege. Guidance from Imperial College London tells students to ‘understand that you have white privilege’ and to ‘educate others in your community’. It adds: ‘If... Continue reading
Posted Jan 1, 2023 at Anti-White Crime
Was this man's termination a result of the usual double standard? By AllHipHop Staff Caucasian man named Peter Kelly is suing Verizon for wrongful termination. Kelly, who worked for the company for more than 20 years, alleges management fired him in May 2021 for using the word “n-gga” while discussing... Continue reading
Posted Dec 29, 2022 at Anti-White Crime
By Kyle Reynolds Ivy League college receives $25 million from couple to push initiative Dartmouth College’s planned $100 million program to help “historically underrepresented groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics,” is moving forward, aided by a recent gift that will cover one-fourth of the cost. However, white male students... Continue reading
Posted Dec 27, 2022 at Anti-White Crime
By Jacob Geanous A white Brooklyn parole officer claims that she was racially discriminated against by colleagues who called her a “snowcone” and superiors who made it “impossible” for her to do her job. Samantha Rys, 51, filed a lawsuit in Manhattan Federal Court this week against her two supervisors,... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2022 at Anti-White Crime
By Larry Elder When it comes to the absurdity of American taxpayers giving “reparations” to black descendants of slaves, it’s hard to limit the number of objections. Apart from the fact that American slavery, though horrific, was legal; that it ended 157 years ago; that the government did not own... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2022 at Anti-White Crime
By David Horowitz Our secretary of defense, Lloyd Austin—the man who presided over the worst, most incompetent, most humiliating military defeat in the history of our nation—is black. Of course, he’s black. He was appointed by Joe Biden to display the wonderful diversity of the most progressive president in history.... Continue reading
Posted Dec 24, 2022 at Anti-White Crime
By Selwyn Duke This is the most recent update I've found on the case of Cannon Hinnant, the five-year-old white boy who was shot in the head, point blank, by black neighbor Darius Sessoms in 2020. Sessoms may very well be off his rocker; sane people don't generally commit such... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2022 at Anti-White Crime
By Lisa Reynolds Now white people can’t even be friendly to minorities without accusations of racism. The woke Left has been trying to exert political control and further cement its victimhood narrative through restrictive language changes. Racist common language glossaries have been popping up all over college campuses, including publicly... Continue reading
Posted Dec 23, 2022 at Anti-White Crime