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the serrach
Recent Activity
well it is. crap. just sayin.
This is a damn music blog...kinda, sorta! with gratuitous Paul Krugman Link
I try to be a serious person. I am a serious person. I think about shit, deep shit. Philosophy, war, the economy, justice, truth, beauty, America and so on. And then, the dipwads in charge and the wannabes-to-be-in charge do something to piss me off, and some twisted evil floats in and I start c...
we're back!!
We're baaaaacccckkkk...and Krugman nailed it!
It's always struck me as silly to apologize for someone else's screwup. However, we've been down for a few days because the hobbits at Typepad decided that we probably were a blog consisting of spam. Seriously...we might be full of shit, but except for Captain Capitulation who has been known t...
aw come on axe. i'm right here. don't kick a dodger fan when he's down.
Manny Ramirez takes steroids? Say it ain't so...
It's so. Credulity -- say it ain't so? In St. Louis, a clubhouse attendant stuck his head into manager Tony La Russa’s office and said “Manny Ramirez, 50 games, steroids.”La Russa’s reaction: “You’re kidding me.” Credulity? It's so. Now, there's a shocker. Everybody who'd watched him play ...
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