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I love this story Patty, its one of my favourites too. I like the question interjections along the way especially:
"- Do you seek the advice of your friends and neighbors to explain why certain prayers have not been heard?
- Who do you turn to?"
It's a really cool style to re-write bible stories in modern language with the author illuminating the story with creative narrative for a better understanding of the characters and their times.
Good job!
The Chosen - Article 2- The Woman and Her Vow
A woman of humility and kindness, she was married and adored by her husband. She was the second of his wives, and he had chosen her because of her heart attitude. The man loved her; he slept with her often and took her in an act of love, declaring his love for her, as he ejaculated his semen wi...
Sethwid is now following The Typepad Team
Oct 14, 2012
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