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PaulSez is now following EarthShare
May 6, 2010
Adam, Respectfully, I'm not buying it. Time and time again, we've seen our efforts to manipulate nature blow up in our faces. We dam our rivers, blast our mountains, clear our forests - all in the name of "progress" If we really want to protect our coastlines then we need to stop trying to out-think and out-muscle nature, throw up the white flag and embrace managed retreat. As for creating "new habitat" - yeah, we all hear that same argument every time some yahoo wants to scuttle an aircraft carrier or dump a bunch of cable cars off our coast. Tell you what...I've seen a bald eagle make a nest on top of a power poll - doesn't mean it's habitat. The ocean is not a dump, whether that be for someone's profit or your folly.
So let me get this straight... The same company that champions experiences like climbing El Capitan is heralding artificial surfing reefs? Oceans were made the way they were made. Dumping massive amounts of sand-filled synthetic bags into the ocean, purely for your own amusement is not only stupid, it's selfish. By that logic, I should be allowed to go pound in hundreds of Metolius jug holds all over Yosemite. If you guys are so fired up to create surf, then why go the route of climbing gyms and invest in wave pool technology? Keep nature natural.
PaulSez is now following The Typepad Team
May 3, 2010