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Gabriel Mckee
Recent Activity
I think you may not have understood the purpose of this exercise. Brad was pretty clear he thinks this "problem" of social issues hiding under book covers with spaceships on them emerged in the last 20 years. These are just a few examples showing that that very thing has been a big part of SF since the early '50s, with tongue-in-cheek commentary. (Sarcasm, I know, does not translate well to the written word.)
The Way the Future Never Was: A Visual Appendix
This post is a sequel of sorts to my previous post on Brad Torgersen and the Sad & Rabid Puppies, which you can read here. To get a better idea of Brad Torgersen's problem with today's science fiction, let's take a look at some good, old-fashioned, reliably-packaged SF. Hey, that looks like ...
The Way the Future Never Was: A Visual Appendix
This post is a sequel of sorts to my previous post on Brad Torgersen and the Sad & Rabid Puppies, which you can read here. To get a better idea of Brad Torgersen's problem with today's science fiction, let's take... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2015 at SF Gospel
The Way the Future Never Was
So you’ve probably heard about this Sad Puppies/Rabid Puppies thing. I’m reading Brad Torgersen’s Sad Puppies 3 manifesto (which I use not as a pejorative, but as an honest-to-goodness genre term) from a few weeks ago, and… I’m just really... Continue reading
Posted May 27, 2015 at SF Gospel
The problem with Game of Thrones...
It’s been a bit of a long silence on this blog, though I’ve written quite a bit in the apparent interim (including an article on Doctor Who as a rebel messiah and an entire book on Edgar Allan Poe). I’m... Continue reading
Posted May 20, 2015 at SF Gospel
Recent & forthcoming work
A couple projects have been percolating behind the scenes here: First, I've contributed material to the forthcoming book Enjoy The Experience: Homemade Records 1958-1992. The book is a detailed look at privately-press/self-released records from the '50s-'80s and the sometimes quite... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2013 at SF Gospel
Radio Free Albemuth at the Philip K. Dick Film Festival
This weekend is the Philip K. Dick Film Festival in Brooklyn (not to be confused with this past fall's Philip K. Dick Festival in San Francisco), and kicking off the event is a rare screenings of John Alan Simon's (alas)... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2012 at SF Gospel
SF Signal's Mind Meld: Star Wars VII-IX
A bit late an announcement here, but I contributed to SF Signal's recent Mind Meld post on the future of Star Wars, alongside Kristine Kathryn Rusch, S. Andrew Swann, and other luminaries. Included is an obligatory shout-out to Marvel's 70s-80s... Continue reading
Posted Dec 5, 2012 at SF Gospel
SF novels in the Christian Century's holiday gift guide
The current issue of the Christian Century features a list of some of the year's best SF novels, reviewed by myself and the inimitable James McGrath. Our reviews of Doctor Who: Shada by Gareth Roberts, Existence by David Brin, Redshirts... Continue reading
Posted Dec 2, 2012 at SF Gospel
Prometheus: Looking For God in All the Wrong Places
Prometheus opens with the discovery of an intelligent designer: two scientists have found evidence of ancient contact between human beings and aliens, and they become part of a mission to reach what they believe to be these aliens’ home planet... Continue reading
Posted Jun 12, 2012 at SF Gospel
Doctor Who: Locking Hitler in the Cupboard
When the title card came up at the end of "A Good Man Goes to War," Doctor Who's last episode before the summer hiatus, I couldn't help but feel a bit of trepidation at what were no doubt intended to... Continue reading
Posted Aug 30, 2011 at SF Gospel
I'm not so convinced that that was the only solution to the problem of the Silence. The Doctor has always excelled at finding impossible solutions, and at defeating his enemies without killing them. Does this mean I didn't think it was an ingenious solution? No. Does this mean I didn't like the episode? Of course not. But I certainly don't think we're expected to conclude that it was the right thing to do just because the Doctor did it. We now know he has had to make rules to keep himself in line. I think we've started to see him breaking those rules... and I'm very interested to see where that leads.
Do good Time Lords need rules?
[I’m going to go ahead and assume that, if you’re reading this, you’ve seen “When a Good Man Goes to War.” Meaning 1) I’m not going to bother with a summary, and 2) consider yourself spoiler-warned.] Well, that sure was something. The last episode of Doctor Who before the mid-season break feels ...
Do good Time Lords need rules?
[I’m going to go ahead and assume that, if you’re reading this, you’ve seen “When a Good Man Goes to War.” Meaning 1) I’m not going to bother with a summary, and 2) consider yourself spoiler-warned.] Well, that sure was... Continue reading
Posted Jun 4, 2011 at SF Gospel
Adjustment Bureau: Choosing your Destiny
In The Adjustment Bureau, Matt Damon plays a politician named David Norris who gets an accidental peak behind the veil of everyday reality. Right before making a big speech, he runs into an impulsive young lady named Elise in a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 21, 2011 at SF Gospel
Philip K. Dick adaptations ranked
Nerve recently asked me to rank and briefly review all of the Philip K. Dick movie adaptations to date. The results are here. I deliberately, but truthfully, went against the conventional wisdom on Blade Runner, which I never thought quite... Continue reading
Posted Mar 17, 2011 at SF Gospel
"That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made": Mormon Sun-Whales!
The single most up-my-alley story of the last year has been nominated for a Nebula Award: Eric James Stone's "That Leviathan, Whom Thou Hast Made," published in the September 2010 issue of Analog. It's the story of Harry Malan, a... Continue reading
Posted Mar 7, 2011 at SF Gospel
Recent reading roundup
I recently bought a complete run of my favorite SF magazine-- If, later known as Worlds of If. Which is great-- but I need to make some room for it. And that needs I need to clear off the shelf... Continue reading
Posted Mar 6, 2011 at SF Gospel
The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick, 1980-1982
The issue of the SFRA Review containing my review of The Selected Letters of Philip K. Dick vol. 5: 1980-1982 has been posted at the SFRA's website. An excerpt: Those familiar with the previous volumes of Dick’s letters will know,... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2011 at SF Gospel
@SMD: Thanks for the reference; Brotherton does seem to know more about the details of this case than anyone else writing about it. For those interested, it's well worth reading this:
@Chris: Good point. Chasing a step beyond your link, it seems the relevant law is Title VII of the Civil Rights Act:
I'm not sure how that actually applies in terms of Gaskell vs. the mole people. Everything I know about lawsuits I learned from watching "The Practice," and is to therefore not to be trusted an inch beyond the distance I can throw Dylan McDermott.
Richard Dawkins and religious discrimination
Regulars here know I'm no fan of Richard Dawkins, but even I was surprised at his latest article for Boing Boing. Discussing the recent lawsuit between astronomer C. Martin Gaskell and the University of Kentucky, Dawkins goes lower than I thought he dared, stopping just this side of libel agai...
"Against textual idealism"
Rob Latham's short piece "Against Textual Idealism," published a few years ago but first read by me a couple days ago, hits all the right notes for me as a librarian, scholar, and collector of SF: It matters intimately to... Continue reading
Posted Jan 26, 2011 at SF Gospel
Richard Dawkins and religious discrimination
Regulars here know I'm no fan of Richard Dawkins, but even I was surprised at his latest article for Boing Boing. Discussing the recent lawsuit between astronomer C. Martin Gaskell and the University of Kentucky, Dawkins goes lower than I... Continue reading
Posted Jan 25, 2011 at SF Gospel
What I've been doing lately:
Don't mistake the sluggishness of this blog for inactivity: there's been much going on behind the scenes lately. Most relevant to our purposes here are a couple of Philip K. Dick-related writing projects. I wrote a review of the final... Continue reading
Posted Jan 20, 2011 at SF Gospel
Doomsday Film Festival
Don't think the prolonged quiet on this blog is due to inactivity-- quite the opposite. For instance: I'll be speaking on a panel this Saturday at the Doomsday Film Festival in Brooklyn, N.Y. I'm speaking after the late-Cold War anxiety... Continue reading
Posted Dec 9, 2010 at SF Gospel
Thank you, sir! NWfO was and is a great resource.
Philip K. Dick's Exegesis
The New York Times reports that new selections from Philip K. Dick's 8,000-page theological journal known as the Exegesis are to be published next year. At least two volumes are projected (it's unclear as of yet whether or not they're planning to print the journals in their entirety), to be edit...
Radio Free Albemuth: The politics of mystical experience
Radio Free Albemuth is generally considered an oddity in the Philip K. Dick canon. Initially entitled Valisystem A, it was Dick's first attempt at transforming his religious experiences into a novel. When he sent it in to a publisher they... Continue reading
Posted Oct 10, 2010 at SF Gospel
Radio Free Albemuth in NYC
We interrupt our (de facto, impromptu, and strictly temporary, I assure you) hiatus to pass on the announcement of a film screening this week: Radio Free Albemuth, adapted from the Philip K. Dick novel of the same name, has its... Continue reading
Posted Oct 3, 2010 at SF Gospel
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