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Shahina Islam
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hay Fateen!!...i don't think i'm that amazing...this work was done for my business assignment. but if you ask me anything i might be able to help worries!!...thanx
Download M2 < old version cheack the new version of part 1 M2 which include p3 Download My m2 Continue reading
Posted May 28, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
click on the link below to open or save the file for M1 Download M1 Continue reading
Posted May 24, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
When focussing on competition through global website visibility, many challenges are faced by businesses using internet marketing. Although many challenges occur businesses have the opportunity to help overcome them. The challenges that business may have to deal with can include situations such as: -Keeping pace with market and technological change: Technology is always changing or updating to work better or maybe to look better, to attract more people etc. Nowadays technology is used nearly everywhere and has become very popular. Computers are one technology that is used for many, many reasons by millions of people throughout the world. The internet... Continue reading
Posted Apr 14, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Business efficiency is really important so for online businesses internet marketing helps improve efficiency levels in other ways such as paid for promotion on websites. Businesses do not need to pay for most of the advertising used online. Internet marketing helps online businesses improve their efficiency levels in many ways. There are opportunities offered by internet market to optimise operational efficiency in order to improve productivity and reduce costs and these can include: Online businesses able to ensure customers, employees, and suppliers that they get secure access to real-time data to improve business decision making and, ultimately, customer service. It... Continue reading
Posted Apr 13, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Internet Marketing offers many opportunities to businesses in relation to product development in many ways. Internet marketing is also known as online marketing where businesses are able to advertise their goods and services via the internet and maybe present it worldwide. It is the latest and speedy advertising strategies in today's business world. Internet marketing covers, public relations, customer service, sales and information management just like any other traditional marketing strategy. Internet marketing is vital for some businesses such as those that are ONLY based ‘online’. Also is plays a really good role for them and also for other businesses... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Shahina Islam is now following Zahra Begum
Apr 12, 2010
The internet helps many ways for businesses to promote themselves online; it offers many opportunities for organisations in ways they can use in relation to communication. Below are few examples of what internet marketing provides a business in relation to communication. · Domain Name: Domain name is a web address that is included in the World Wide Web; it is used by businesses, computers, and addresses on the internet. It is a name that identifies a website, for individuals to gain access to. This is a way of internet marketing offering businesses a way of communication. Businesses have an advantage... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
There are a number of benefits to using the Internet as a marketing medium for consumers and marketers. The benefits to consumers are listed below... Cheaper and More Flexible than Offline Advertising Advertising online is particularly different from print advertising as it is cheaper to do so for any businesses. Also Internet advertisement is accessible for a longer period of time benefiting the organisations and the content of the advertisement can be altered any time, without having to get someone to change it or spend more money on it potentially reaching a wider audience. So Internet advertisement is cheaper giving... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Shahina Islam is now following Rud3 Boi 786
Mar 14, 2010
Shahina Islam is now following Ayce-Produkiez
Mar 14, 2010
Shahina Islam is now following Leigh McLaughlin
Mar 14, 2010
Shahina Islam is now following mursaleen
Mar 14, 2010
Shahina Islam is now following Zaffran Amjad
Mar 14, 2010
Shahina Islam is now following mohammed miah
Mar 14, 2010
Shahina Islam is now following A MALIK IMRAN
Mar 14, 2010
There are numerous benefits of Internet Marketing to an organisation. Businesses are able to use these advantages in many ways within the organisation. Reaching the Internet provides businesses with the means to reach prospective customers that they would not normally be able to reach so quickly and inexpensively. Opportunity to learn about customers’ needs and wants Once they have reached these customers, the Internet offers the opportunity to learn about those customers needs and wants by interacting with a customer and gaining valuable feedback from them. In doing so, a company is then able to better target its goods and... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Disintermediation is the removal of the third party that offers intermediation services between two trading parties in a supply chain. It is basically “cutting out the middle man” from the distribution channel allowing direct links between buyers and sellers. Businesses/consumers would not have to go traditional distribution channels, which had some type of intermediate; this includes distributor, wholesaler, brokers, or agent etc. With disintermediation, companies are able to deal with every customer directly, for example via the Internet. An example of supply chain disintermediation is a manufacturer selling directly to retailers, rather than indirectly through wholesalers. A familiar example of... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Businesses are able to use internet marketing to target their audience and use different kind of internet marketing to segment their customers Businesses need to target and segment their audience in ways to market their business/products to reach customers at higher level. Internet marketing does contribute in enabling more effective targeting and segmentation as it allows organisations to reach more customers through social networking this is because through this you can access a wider range. Also through this medium they are able to recognise the segmentations of customers for their products where they are able to now their targeting audience.... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Internet Marketing plays a large part in contributing or highlighting the need for effective identification of new products or markets for some businesses. Organisations can promote their product/market with good marketing research to find out how to advertise these in a way where they can reach their targeted audience. Marketing research is to identify and assess how changing elements of the marketing mix impacts customer behavior. Organisations’ can use the advantage of internet marketing to promote a product or market in many ways. A website of the businesses can contribute to draw attention to what a business will want to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 13, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Internet Marketing plays a large part in contributing or highlighting the need for effective identification of new products or markets for some businesses. Organisations can promote their product/market with good marketing research to find out how to advertise these in a way where they can reach their targeted audience. Marketing research is to identify and assess how changing elements of the marketing mix impacts customer behavior. Organisations’ can use the advantage of internet marketing to promote a product or market in many ways. A website of the businesses can contribute to draw attention to what a business will want to... Continue reading
Posted Mar 1, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Internet Marketing is a strategy for businesses to help reach their goals. It depends on how the business will use the internet and what their organisation objectives are. Internet Marketing can help in many ways for businesses to achieve the aims and objectives. Internet marketing is focused on three core areas in how they can help business objectives which are: · Help to grow the business · Consolidate the business · And do business more efficiently When using internet for marketing and helping to accomplish business goals it is important to build the business website in all the different elements... Continue reading
Posted Feb 21, 2010 at Shahina Islam's blog
Shahina Islam is now following Misbah 92
Feb 1, 2010