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Yes the property owner would demolish a perfectly sound property. We have a 20,000 sq ft lovely open span warehouse. EPR are £20,000 a year. Maybe its better for us to demolish and sit on the land until the market picks up.
John O'Connell: Empty Property Rates are an enemy of enterprise
By John O'Connell, TPA Research Director Wednesday’s Budget announcement needs to set out a path for lower taxes and get to work creating the conditions for a proper private sector-led recovery. There has been talk of rolling National Insurance and Income Tax together. As well as making the sys...
But what happens when the market is dead? I have 3 industrial properties which have been in my family for the last 20 years, we used to manufacture. They have been on the market to let for the last 3 years. We are asking £1.50 per sq ft plus other rental incentives, a minimal amount and there have been no serious enquires in any of them, no offers, nothing. What more can I do? I am trying everything to attract tenants but the market in the Liverpool area is dead it seems for this type of property. If there has to be a tax, why not apply one to the landlord when a tenant is found.
John O'Connell: Empty Property Rates are an enemy of enterprise
By John O'Connell, TPA Research Director Wednesday’s Budget announcement needs to set out a path for lower taxes and get to work creating the conditions for a proper private sector-led recovery. There has been talk of rolling National Insurance and Income Tax together. As well as making the sys...
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Mar 23, 2011
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