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Shanna the She-Devil
Frederick, MD...for now
Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
Interests: family, cooking, knitting, crafting, parenting, gaming, getting enough sleep
Recent Activity
We've moved!
See you on Wordpress :) Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one with the new wheel.
I think I'm in some kind of "simplify your life" zone because in the past few months, I've sold off unused/unwanted things, gone back to a basic cell phone, and just generally de-cluttered our lives. My latest move was to... Continue reading
Posted Jul 6, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where I think my favorite color is purply-pink.
I can't imagine what brought me to that conclusion. Continue reading
Posted Jul 4, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where beer is a drug...and caffeine...and eczema cream....and god help you if you have allergies...
Over the course of the Kindergarten Year From Hellâ„¢, Seamus did a unit on drugs and alcohol. Every day during this unit, he came home with something new and now my every move is being judged my a 5-year-old. I... Continue reading
Posted Jun 28, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
I will never make another one of those rabbits. EVER. The only reason I forced myself to finish it was because I couldn't just send my niece clothes for her birthday and I had no clue what toy to buy a 1yo.
The one with the finished projects.
My hand has been feeling much better and I've been going gangbusters on my knitting projects. It's really nice to be able to knit again. This is a dress I made for my niece's birthday. I love the way this turned out- especially the colors. They're so festive and girly. <3 Frankly, I w...
The one with the finished projects.
My hand has been feeling much better and I've been going gangbusters on my knitting projects. It's really nice to be able to knit again. This is a dress I made for my niece's birthday. I love the way this... Continue reading
Posted Jun 23, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where I become bored to death.
I would hazard a guess that I use my hands a lot more than the average bear. I knit, I spin, I draw, I game, and, on top of all that, I know sign language (although, I don't use that... Continue reading
Posted Jun 11, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
I loved it so much it *almost* made me stay!
The one with the best customer service email ever. Not even kidding.
Ok, I love Groupon-type sites, so I joined Zulilly. They have nice stuff, but it's just not for me. I don't have a baby and I like wearing Pajamajeans. I've been trying to unsubscribe from their emails for a couple of weeks now. I did it the proper way and still got them. I changed my email in t...
I tried reading this one and the one my husband is named after. I cannot do it. Even in the case of the book my husband is named after, I found myself arguing with the book. At least if I pick it back up, I can feel better knowing she will eventually stop being such a damn brat. Give your coworker my thanks!
At least in the webcomic, the character my son is named after was a pre-med student and later on in a webcomic by the same author became a doctor...and he was really nice. I'll take that.
The one where I call you names...romantic, bodice-ripping names.
I have a whole family full of odd names. None of our names are entirely unheard of, they're just not very popular. Mikhail, Shanna, Seamus. However, they all came out of reading material. Read on to find out where. Mike was named after a bodice-ripping romance novel called "Seized by Love" by ...
No, he doesn't respect my property, so I don't let him in the house. As for sitting outside with them, I'm usually the only parent here and that's not happening.
The one where I punish myself by punishing you.
What is it about forbidden fruit? Seamus has a kid in the neighborhood he likes to play with, let's call him Almond. When they first started playing together, I din't mind Seamus and Almond playing together. It was a nice enough set up considering Almond lives right across the street Then, I rea...
The one where I punish myself by punishing you.
What is it about forbidden fruit? Seamus has a kid in the neighborhood he likes to play with, let's call him Almond. When they first started playing together, I din't mind Seamus and Almond playing together. It was a nice... Continue reading
Posted May 22, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
I am so very glad it's not just me!
The one with the pretty knitting stuff.
As with all things, I have my preferences with knitting tools. I believe that beautiful tools yield beautiful results. I buy pretty (quality) yarn, I buy nice needles, I have a nice knitting bag, and I buy nice sttch markers. Now, I have a few different kinds, all of which I *like*, but I have o...
On Ravelry I named it "Penicillin". I cannot hear Clapotis without thinking "STD".
The one with the pretty knitting stuff.
As with all things, I have my preferences with knitting tools. I believe that beautiful tools yield beautiful results. I buy pretty (quality) yarn, I buy nice needles, I have a nice knitting bag, and I buy nice sttch markers. Now, I have a few different kinds, all of which I *like*, but I have o...
The one with the pretty knitting stuff.
As with all things, I have my preferences with knitting tools. I believe that beautiful tools yield beautiful results. I buy pretty (quality) yarn, I buy nice needles, I have a nice knitting bag, and I buy nice sttch markers.... Continue reading
Posted May 15, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where we look at packaging
Yesterday, I ordered two things: A pair of shoes from Zappos... I LIKE: W801 Komen by New Balance Classics and a refurbished Flip camcorder from Tiger Direct. I ordered the shoes because, well, I like shoes, and I had just... Continue reading
Posted May 13, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where we spend hours to make somethng that we hate.
I wanted to make myself a loose cardigan. Something that would work for spring- especially here in Maryland (for the record, it's May 5th and currently 61 degrees at lunchtime). So, I set out to make the Madelinetosh Creature Comforts... Continue reading
Posted May 5, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where we need to find simpler ways to do things.
This is how we get on the patio. Please note the gate to the left of the photo. It works fine. Continue reading
Posted Apr 15, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where we deliver empty promises. Again.
In January, Michelle Obama was on Oprah and talked about military families and how brave we are and that she wanted to help us (no, seriously). This is a far cry from when she was on the campaign trail with... Continue reading
Posted Apr 12, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where I call you names...romantic, bodice-ripping names.
I have a whole family full of odd names. None of our names are entirely unheard of, they're just not very popular. Mikhail, Shanna, Seamus. However, they all came out of reading material. Read on to find out where. Mike... Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where you have no clue what to do with your kid.
My child is not a sports kid. We've tried a few different group sports now and as much as he proclaims to want to do it, he fizzles out after a few weeks. When he played soccer, it was fine,... Continue reading
Posted Apr 5, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
Thank you for writing such an excellent piece on supporting a friend! The resources to cite on helping are few and far between- most articles I found were geared towards helping your friend crawl out of a deep, dark hole of depression, not just BEING THERE. I don't think most people know where to begin. Again, thank you.
I'm grateful my family is there when we need them. It's not ideal, but it will be fine. My parents are supportive and lovely.
I used to be (more) crunchy myself (babywearing, cloth diapering, homeschooling, the whole bit), but my "baby" is now 5 and if I tried to sling him, I'd probably throw out my back and if I was forced to start homeschooling again (unless it was necessary for some reason), I'd need a Xanax and a hug.
Congrats on forging ahead with what makes you happy and sane! I hope everything works out well- just keep doing what is right for you and yours and everything will work out the way it is meant to work out. xoxoxox
The one where you find out who your friends are.
It takes a crisis in your life to find out who really cares about you. I've made no secret that Mike is getting fired from his job in the military. Earlier this month, we finally found out that the end is drawing near. We have about a month before we are out of here. We knew this was coming, but...
The one where you find out who your friends are.
It takes a crisis in your life to find out who really cares about you. I've made no secret that Mike is getting fired from his job in the military. Earlier this month, we finally found out that the end... Continue reading
Posted Mar 14, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one with the best customer service email ever. Not even kidding.
Ok, I love Groupon-type sites, so I joined Zulilly. They have nice stuff, but it's just not for me. I don't have a baby and I like wearing Pajamajeans. I've been trying to unsubscribe from their emails for a couple... Continue reading
Posted Feb 27, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one with the results of the contest
CONGRATS TO ANDI :D Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
The one where I give it away for free for Valentine's day.
So, yesterday I did some spinning for the firt time in a while because I seem to be in a knitting funk. Nothing I've knitted hs turned out right and I just keep messing up. So, I dusted off the... Continue reading
Posted Feb 2, 2011 at Wife, Mom, Slave to my Craft
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