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My name is Shannon. I’m a singer and songwriter living in Seattle. I am easily amused by simple pleasures. This is my happy place. May it be yours too.
Interests: my music,,,
Recent Activity
Our Second Birth Story
Hello there! How has it already been 2.5 months since our little Wren was born? If you remember Bowie's birth story, this one was also like something out of the movies. It's how we do things around here. The birth was so quick (3 hours) that Hal almost missed it! I still laugh about how nothing made it out of my bag - no candles, crystals, essential oils or Hypnobabies this time around. But I'll take fast and furious over long and laborious any day. Makes for a great story, that's for sure. And we're fortunate that we had someone... Continue reading
Posted Mar 16, 2018 at HAPPINESS IS...
Our New Year Birth Announcements from Tiny Prints / Shutterfly
Hi friends! For those of you don't follow me on Instagram... we had our baby! Meet Wren. He's a pretty cool little man, currently asleep in my arms as I type with one hand. Birth story coming soon! Since he arrived smack dab in the midst of the holiday frenzy, we decided to combine both events and send out a New Year birth announcement instead of our usual holiday cards. I partnered yet again with Tiny Prints / Shutterfly, because they make the process so incredibly easy. I churned them out in a matter of minutes, which is so very... Continue reading
Posted Jan 18, 2018 at HAPPINESS IS...
Thank you Nancy! xo
Our Halloween Costumes - The Red Balloon
Happy Halloween from The Red Balloon!
Our Halloween Costumes - The Red Balloon
Happy Halloween from The Red Balloon! Continue reading
Posted Oct 31, 2017 at HAPPINESS IS...
Hey Jennifer! Not a strange request - I actually rented it out to a gal last year! I'd be happy to rent it to you. Email me at: [email protected] :)
The Gatekeeper & The Keymaster
There is no Shannon, only Zuul. Happy Halloween! As promised, here are our costumes. From one of our favorite classic 80's flicks, Ghostbusters. You get it, right? Please say you do. At the parties we attended, most people hadn't a clue. It pains me to have to explain, but if you'r...
Get out of town!! I LOVE that we have such similar stories. Congrats my friend! When exactly are you due?
And Then There Were Four
Our baby boy is going to be a big brother! To another baby boy! I still can't quite believe it myself. Since it took us 3 years to conceive Bowie, I (wrongly) assumed it would take a very long time to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) again. Especially with my "advanced maternal age". But it ha...
That's the best compliment a mama could ask for. Thank you, D! :) xo
And Then There Were Four
Our baby boy is going to be a big brother! To another baby boy! I still can't quite believe it myself. Since it took us 3 years to conceive Bowie, I (wrongly) assumed it would take a very long time to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) again. Especially with my "advanced maternal age". But it ha...
Thank you sweet Mel! xo
And Then There Were Four
Our baby boy is going to be a big brother! To another baby boy! I still can't quite believe it myself. Since it took us 3 years to conceive Bowie, I (wrongly) assumed it would take a very long time to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) again. Especially with my "advanced maternal age". But it ha...
Aw thank you Nancy for continuing to follow our little journey in life! xo
And Then There Were Four
Our baby boy is going to be a big brother! To another baby boy! I still can't quite believe it myself. Since it took us 3 years to conceive Bowie, I (wrongly) assumed it would take a very long time to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) again. Especially with my "advanced maternal age". But it ha...
Thank you Crystal. Infertility is absolutely the worst, I'm so sorry you had to go through that experience. I have a friend going through the exact same thing, their oldest is 5 years and they're now doing IVF for their second. But I'm happy to hear you kept trying and eventually got your second child - they were just on their own timeline, I suppose! xo
And Then There Were Four
Our baby boy is going to be a big brother! To another baby boy! I still can't quite believe it myself. Since it took us 3 years to conceive Bowie, I (wrongly) assumed it would take a very long time to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) again. Especially with my "advanced maternal age". But it ha...
And Then There Were Four
Our baby boy is going to be a big brother! To another baby boy! I still can't quite believe it myself. Since it took us 3 years to conceive Bowie, I (wrongly) assumed it would take a very long time to get pregnant (and stay pregnant) again. Especially with my "advanced maternal age". But it happened during our very first month of trying, and we weren't even on fertility meds. We were shocked. And terrified. Still are! But excited beyond belief. This baby seems to be very serious about joining us earth side. It's been a smooth pregnancy so far.... Continue reading
Posted Jul 7, 2017 at HAPPINESS IS...
Modernica Case Study Bentwood Tray Table Giveaway!
My second Mother's Day as a mother was simple and sweet. The boys started it off right with breakfast in bed. Believe it or not, this was the first breakfast in bed I've ever received in this house... because we never had a tray table to serve it on! It was always on the "one day" list. Until Modernica came to the rescue. We received their Case Study Bentwood Tray Table just in time for Mother's Day. Design nuts that we are, Hal and I are obsessed with practically everything Modernica makes. Especially their bentwood products, which are built and... Continue reading
Posted May 18, 2017 at HAPPINESS IS...
Hi Krysta! OMG total mom brain. I thought I had responded to you (I must have in my head) but just now realized I didn't reply to your comment! So sorry. Did you have a nice time in Seattle? I would have loved to share with you some fun things to do here. If you're ever back to visit your sis-in-law, please shoot me an email: [email protected] - I'd love to send you a list and even meet up for tea/coffee (our babes can play together!) xo
My Solo Birthday Getaway To Nita Lake Lodge
My birthday this year consisted of me by myself, behind the wheel of my MINI, listening to audiobooks and road-tripping up to Whistler, Canada for a solo 1-night stay at the ultra-luxurious Nita Lake Lodge. It was heavenly. Alone with my thoughts for 24-hours was something I hadn't had since t...
Allie, yes! You must try this for your birthday. A friend of mine actually requested a night away like this for mother's day last year and I couldn't believe I hadn't thought of it, haha. Thank you darling. Sending you guys some good sleepy vibes! xo
My Solo Birthday Getaway To Nita Lake Lodge
My birthday this year consisted of me by myself, behind the wheel of my MINI, listening to audiobooks and road-tripping up to Whistler, Canada for a solo 1-night stay at the ultra-luxurious Nita Lake Lodge. It was heavenly. Alone with my thoughts for 24-hours was something I hadn't had since t...
Thanks Crystal! How old is your babe now? I'm still breastfeeding too, but thankfully, Bowie takes a bottle and we're down to 3 feeds, mornings, midday and bedtime. I still had to pump while away. But since it was only 24-hours, it was doable. If you can't escape this birthday, there's always Mother's Day or next birthday? Or heck, any random day! :)
My Solo Birthday Getaway To Nita Lake Lodge
My birthday this year consisted of me by myself, behind the wheel of my MINI, listening to audiobooks and road-tripping up to Whistler, Canada for a solo 1-night stay at the ultra-luxurious Nita Lake Lodge. It was heavenly. Alone with my thoughts for 24-hours was something I hadn't had since t...
My Solo Birthday Getaway To Nita Lake Lodge
My birthday this year consisted of me by myself, behind the wheel of my MINI, listening to audiobooks and road-tripping up to Whistler, Canada for a solo 1-night stay at the ultra-luxurious Nita Lake Lodge. It was heavenly. Alone with my thoughts for 24-hours was something I hadn't had since the babe was born. As an introvert at heart, the idea sounded like total bliss. Hal was totally on board and agreed to keep Bowie at home - papa points! I arrived just before check-in which gave me ample time to tour the grounds. The lodge sits at the edge... Continue reading
Posted Feb 6, 2017 at HAPPINESS IS...
I think you'll love both Parasol AND Water Wipes. I even use the wipes as a make-up remover! How are you feeling these days? Do you know the gender yet? So exciting. Miss you guys. Let's def get a playdate on the books!
21 New Mama Must-Haves
I've been wanting to round up my favorite parenting resources for quite some time now. But of course, mama-ing got in the way. Now that Bowie is 16 months old (!!!), I figure now is as good of time as any to jot down the things, after much trial and error, that got me through that first craz...
Far from pro! But it is amazing how much you're forced to learn in one year with a baby. Bowie's first library class was so funny - he slept the whole time, he he.
21 New Mama Must-Haves
I've been wanting to round up my favorite parenting resources for quite some time now. But of course, mama-ing got in the way. Now that Bowie is 16 months old (!!!), I figure now is as good of time as any to jot down the things, after much trial and error, that got me through that first craz...
21 New Mama Must-Haves
I've been wanting to round up my favorite parenting resources for quite some time now. But of course, mama-ing got in the way. Now that Bowie is 16 months old (!!!), I figure now is as good of time as any to jot down the things, after much trial and error, that got me through that first crazy year. So here it is - the ultimate new mama survival guide. Parasol Diapers: We've finally settled on a good disposable eco-friendly diaper. First we tried Honest Company, but they were rough, didn't fit well and leaked in the middle of the... Continue reading
Posted Jan 29, 2017 at HAPPINESS IS...
Aw how nice to hear that you're thinking of me and this little blog of mine! Thank you Susan, I appreciate the sweet note. Much love to you! xo
Seaside Explorations
Our family recently took a little road trip to Seaside, Oregon to visit friends and give our little Bowie Ocean a chance to experience the Northwest surf. Normally the coast is rather cold and wet this time of year. But we were blessed with a glorious golden sun. A perfect day for Bo to practi...
I get lost in them daily! :) xo
Seaside Explorations
Our family recently took a little road trip to Seaside, Oregon to visit friends and give our little Bowie Ocean a chance to experience the Northwest surf. Normally the coast is rather cold and wet this time of year. But we were blessed with a glorious golden sun. A perfect day for Bo to practi...
Seaside Explorations
Our family recently took a little road trip to Seaside, Oregon to visit friends and give our little Bowie Ocean a chance to experience the Northwest surf. Normally the coast is rather cold and wet this time of year. But we were blessed with a glorious golden sun. A perfect day for Bo to practi...
Thank you sweet Caroline! So nice to hear from you. Happy New Year, my friend. xo
Seaside Explorations
Our family recently took a little road trip to Seaside, Oregon to visit friends and give our little Bowie Ocean a chance to experience the Northwest surf. Normally the coast is rather cold and wet this time of year. But we were blessed with a glorious golden sun. A perfect day for Bo to practi...
Seaside Explorations
Our family recently took a little road trip to Seaside, Oregon to visit friends and give our little Bowie Ocean a chance to experience the Northwest surf. Normally the coast is rather cold and wet this time of year. But we were blessed with a glorious golden sun. A perfect day for Bo to practice his new walking skills and leave his tiny stumbling footprints in the sand. There's just something so inspiring about watching your child interact with the ocean for the very first time - so these photos are very special to me. Too sweet not to share....... Continue reading
Posted Jan 10, 2017 at HAPPINESS IS...
Thistle Farms - Holiday Candle & Jewelry Giveaway!
In light of the current chaotic state of the world, I'm trying to focus on love this holiday season. The angels among us. The people who are working hard to make positive change. Thistle Farms is doing just that and I'm proud to be joining forces with them this week to give one of you a sweet little surprise in your mailbox. Thistle Farms is a global community of women healing from trafficking, addiction and homelessness. The company employs more than 1500 female survivors, providing free housing, medical care, therapy, education and job training to make natural products that are... Continue reading
Posted Dec 18, 2016 at HAPPINESS IS...
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