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Check behind the couch...
Redhead. Social Voyeur. Little bit crazy. Shanon :)
Interests: writing, reading, photography, puppies, my puppy, critters, animals, people, society, randomness, musing, stuff & things
Recent Activity
Crate training, our version
I've seen some good examples, friends whose dogs can be found gnawing on a treat or a toy at any time of day or night, curled up in their crate as if their favorite place to be is behind bars. I've seen fair examples of dogs who loved their crates even though they were left cooped up for the majority of the day, and were out of control during their few hours of freedom as they had so much pent up energy in desperate need of release. Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2011 at Musables
The pup is made of adorable squee-ness and vicious teeth, one moment clinging to your ankle as her way of letting you know she's done taking her walk and wants up now... the next moment attacking your toes as if they've committed some offense which requires personal vendetta. Continue reading
Posted Apr 7, 2011 at Musables
mymusable is now following Wil
Apr 7, 2011
mymusable is now following The Typepad Team
Apr 7, 2011
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